
Woman In Singapore Offers RM6,600 Reward If She Is Introduced To The Love Of Her Life

Why pay for dating app subscriptions when you can just pay your friends?

Cover image via Straits Times

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Forget swiping right!

A woman in Singapore is taking a unique approach to finding love by offering a SGD2,000 (about RM6,640) reward to the matchmaker who successfully introduces her to the love of her life.

Bella Dai, a 29-year-old wellness entrepreneur, is fed up with the unpredictable nature of modern dating, reported The Straits Times.

To combat her dating fatigue, she turned to her friends for help, believing they could find her a more compatible partner than any dating app.

"None of my friends join dating apps because the intent of people on those [apps] is very unpredictable," she said.

In an Instagram Story last month, Dai outlined the criteria for her ideal partner:
– Straight male
– 25-42 years old
– Singapore-based
– Possess mastery in his craft with focus and discipline
– Care for his wellness and fitness
– Courageous to engage in difficult conversations
– Open to exploring spirituality and religions as self-development tools

Image via Straits Times

For the matchmaker to claim the bounty, Dai must be in a relationship with the man for at least six months

Originally from Chengdu, Dai has lived in Singapore since she was 15 and is now a permanent resident.

She believes the SGD2,000 reward strikes the right balance — substantial enough to motivate her friends without attracting opportunists.

Since launching her 'campaign' last month, Dai has received five referrals and gone on a few dates.

The wellness instructor told the Straits Times she is confident in this approach, as it allows her friends to filter through potential dates and minimises the risk of being ghosted.

"You don't have to worry about being ghosted because you know they wouldn't do that to a friend's friend," explained the former industrial designer.

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