
7 Superpowers All Mothers Have

From the ability to manipulate time all the way to managing her kids, mothers are definitely from another world.

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1. The ability to find that one thing you cannot find with one swipe which took you hours to find to no avail

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2. The ability to know what you did without even looking at you

3. The ability to concoct healing herbal potions to cure coughs all the way to 'internal injuries'

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4. The ability to power lift 7 shopping bags, then power walk to the other side of the mall to power through crowds to get that discount

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5. The ability to remember birthdays, bills, anniversaries, allergies, groceries, finances, laundry in addition for the exam you're taking on Monday. Basically EVERYTHING.

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6. The ability to be a master negotiator be it at the market or the mall

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7. Lastly, their ability to win every argument with the 'ULTIMATE ANSWER'

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To all mothers and mothers to-be, Happy Mother's Day from the SAYS team! We love you!

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Don't know what to get for you mother? Check out what moms want in this survey!

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