
8 Ways You Can Make A Difference Using Your Online Skills

It has never been easier to do good.

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1. Fundraise: One of the biggest needs NGOs lack is funds. Take advantage of crowdfunding platforms or even create your own online fundraising campaign to give back to charity.

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Where to volunteer: Project WHEE! is looking for 20 enthusiastic youths age ranged from 17 – 25 to become online fundraisers for Project WHEE!’s Youth Cultural Exchange Experience with More info.

2. Facebook: You are probably already on FB, Twitter and Instagram all day. Instead of posting selfies, help manage the social media accounts of non-profit organisations.

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Where to volunteer: Humans of Kuala Lumpur is looking for contributors to the page. Just venture around KL, shoot some photos (with people's permissions), get a story from them and send it to them - they will credit you. Learn more.

3. Influence: Having a tonne of followers on your social media accounts or blog is a good opportunity for you to help spread the word of positive messages and charitable campaigns

4. Teach: Online classes are now as common as dirt. Pick something you're good at, be it English or playing the guitar, and spread the knowledge

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Where to volunteer: Code Equality is looking for instructors and teaching assistants. You can teach anything you are interested in, from Python and Ruby to Web Development with HTML/CSS and Javascript. More info.

Ann Foundation Inc is looking for volunteers to conduct online English classes on Skype for young girls in Namakkal, India. Volunteers best suited for this opportunity are those who can converse in Tamil and fluent English. More info.

5. Translate: If you are blessed with the gift of language, NGOs often need help with translating their materials into different languages

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Where to volunteer: UNDP International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth is looking for volunteers to translate English academic papers on development into Chinese. More info.

6. Code: If you are good with computer languages instead, create or revamp an NGOs webpage, built an app, the possibilities are endless

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Where to volunteer: Social Coder connects volunteer programmers with charities for specific, goal-oriented projects. See more.

7. Write: Contribute articles, manage a blog, write a report - there is always a need for good writers

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Where to volunteer: Centre For Independent Journalism (CIJ) is always in need of volunteers to help with research including monitoring media coverage, gathering information on media ownership and freedom of expression violations. They also need writers and photographer to cover CIJ activities for publication on their website. Get involved.

8. Design: Put your designing skills to good use by improving the publicity material of nonprofits

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Where to volunteer: UNICEF Indonesia is looking for talented graphic artists and designers to support them with the creation of virtual maps to show the prevalence of Child Marriage in Indonesia. More info.

TIP: You don't always have to wait for a volunteer vacancy posting before raising your hand. If you see an opportunity where your skills can be helpful to a group that you connect with, be proactive and offer your expertise!

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