
Do You Always Struggle To Make Up Your Mind? Here Are 3 Tips To Help You Decide Faster

One of the issues many of us face is dwelling too long on a decision.

Cover image via Valeria Smirnova/Unsplash & Sasha Kim/Pexels

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This Spotlight is sponsored by AIA Malaysia. 

"Eh, it's lunchtime. Makan what ah?"

We can all agree that this is a question many of us face on a daily basis, right?

From deciding what to eat to what to wear, and even what to binge-watch, we're presented with so many choices every day.

And while having options is a good thing, the challenge is that too many choices can also make it harder for us to decide, causing us to either dwell on them for too long or even feel overwhelmed.

If you find yourself constantly struggling with choices, here are a few tips to help you decide more effectively:

1. Channel your options through a funnel
It can get overwhelming when you have many choices at hand, so try narrowing them down by putting them through a decision funnel. Take deciding what to eat for lunch for example. Narrow down your restaurant options to your topline preference (e.g. Asian, Western) and work from there. You'll find it a lot easier to settle on a place to makan, compared to picking from dozens of restaurants.

2. Set a time limit
Sometimes, we can't make up our minds because we spend too long dwelling on our options. Instead, try setting a time limit. Give yourself a few minutes to make simple decisions, like deciding whether to drive or take public transport, what movie to watch, which clothing item you'll be getting, etc. Once you've decided, be confident that you made a well-informed decision within the allotted time, instead of second-guessing yourself.

3. Break down complex decisions
When dealing with complex decisions, like buying a car, it can be hard to decide since there are so many factors involved. One thing you can try is to break it down and evaluate each factor, like the budget, size, whether the car is new or used, and even the brand. This approach will help you frame your thoughts more effectively and make the overall decision less overwhelming.

While the choices we're faced with can feel like a lot, the more you do it, the easier you'll be able to make decisions without doubting yourself

After all, deciding on something isn't always easy, especially for significant decisions, like purchasing an insurance plan. With a host of insurance plans out there offering different types of coverage, plans, premiums, benefits, and more, you may not know where to start.

Understanding the struggle Malaysians face, AIA Malaysia has come up with an easy way to simplify your decision-making process

Image via AIA Malaysia

AIA's 'Subscribe to a Better Life' campaign has introduced a simple and interactive platform similar to on-demand streaming platforms we're familiar with. With a streaming service interface, it displays a curated list of AIA's solutions and offerings, including its proprietary Total Health and Wealth Solutions, reimagined as 'movies' and 'TV shows' that are personalised to your selected profile.

More importantly, the platform is designed to simplify the complexities of insurance, allowing you to learn more about AIA's solutions and offerings in an engaging and easy-to-understand manner, ensuring that insurance becomes a relatable part of your life journey.

Adding a touch of humour to the campaign, AIA collaborated with squash legend Datuk Nicol David to produce a creative short film that shows how Nicol lives her life with vitality, presented as film snippets in various settings

In the video, you'll see Nicol jumping into different roles effortlessly, from playing squash to giving out talks, and taking the time to recharge. The video encapsulates AIA's intention to encourage Malaysians to embrace a healthier, more active, and more vibrant life.

Here's a look at the video:

Wanna see the choices available for you to 'Subscribe to a Better Life'? Head over to AIA Malaysia's website.

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