
[VIDEO] Spending CNY Away From Your Loved Ones? This Celcom Ad Will Give You All The Feels


Cover image via Celcom/YouTube | Edited by SAYS

This Spotlight is sponsored by Celcom.

We all look forward to seeing awesome, heartfelt Chinese New Year ads at this time of the year

For the Year of the Rat, Celcom released a video, titled A Time For All, in which a boy finds his own creative ways to celebrate Chinese New Year with his loved ones

Check out the heartwarming video below:

The video starts off with a little girl eagerly practicing her CNY greetings and well wishes

Wishing happiness and prosperity, luck and profit, abundance every year, and wealth, the little girl soon halts her practice when her family's first CNY open house guests arrive!

With all the festive cheer, it seems like everyone is having a good time, especially as more guests start to pour in

Hope she put her CNY greetings to good use! With the ethnic diversity of our people, there's nothing quite like a Malaysian Chinese New Year. :')

Also, just imagine how much ang pow the little girl got. Admin doesn't get ang pow. 

Walao! Kids these days and technology. Using a DRONE to bring them their yummy CNY cookies. But it's strange to see the older boy so glued to his tablet.

With the kids happily playing and the adults mingling, it's pretty clear that everyone is having tonnes of fun!

But what's up with this boy lah? Why's he so obsessed with his tablet? Why isn't he socialising with anyone? And most importantly, why his parents never scold him for his behaviour?!

PLOT TWIST - it turns out the boy isn't even there in person to join in on all the fun :(

Though it's sad that the boy isn't there in person, the video shows us how technology can help bridge the gap between people across the world, especially during the festive season!

With the advancement of 5G connectivity, the boy is able to use drones, smart home appliances, and virtual reality (VR) to celebrate Chinese New Year with his loved ones back home, even if he can't be physically present to enjoy the festivities with everybody.

The most meaningful and bittersweet of these experiences was his ability to take his own place at the table for the reunion dinner. 

This Chinese New Year, Celcom wants to bring everyone closer together!

"The promise of tomorrow's technology will strengthen our bonds rather than separate us from the moments that matter."

So true. :')

The rapid evolution of technology allows us to share and celebrate this festive season with friends and family, no matter where you are in the world

For Celcom, this heartwarming story offers a glimpse into the likely future we will all be able to experience with the advent of 5G connectivity. From the way we live, to how we work and play, every aspect of our lives will be drastically improved, thanks to the game-changing benefits of 5G.

To learn more about 5G, click here.

Check out the full press release from Celcom below:

Image via Celcom

To keep up to date with the latest happenings, follow Celcom on YouTube and Facebook. To learn more about Celcom's products, head to their official website or the nearest bluecube now!

Have a very prosperous and happy Chinese New Year! :)

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