
Keep Your Air Clean And Circulated While You Stay At Home With This Efficient Air Purifier

It can also get rid of germs, bacteria, and viruses.

Cover image via Kedai Mega & tirachardz / freepik

This Spotlight is sponsored by Coway.

With the recent COVID-19 outbreak, we're all doing our part to flatten the curve by staying home and obeying the Movement Control Order (MCO)

It's not only important to #StayAtHome, but also to make sure that we're practising good hygiene and keeping our homes as clean as possible. While we're all probably cleaning by sweeping, mopping, and wiping down surfaces, one area that's easy to overlook is the quality of the air in our homes.

Being indoors doesn't mean that the air around you is clean, it could still be filled with harmful pollutants that you're unknowingly breathing in. Simple ways to purify the air in your home include getting houseplants, burning beeswax candles, or through the use of diffusers and air purifiers.

If you're looking to get an air purifier to improve the air quality in your home, check out Coway's LOMBOK II.

It was designed and built to eliminate harmful pollutants and viruses. Here are some of its key features:

1. It has an RBD plasma system and antibacterial catalyst filters, which allow it to clear the air of harmful substances

Image via Coway Malaysia

Built by Coway's own researchers, the Resistive Barrier Discharge (RBD) plasma and filtration system enhances of the oxidation and sterilisation power of the LOMBOK II. This gives it the ability to decompose harmful gases such as volatile organic compounds (VOCs), formaldehyde, germs, and viruses.

2. Its powerful disinfection system consists of several cool features

First, there's the Negative Ion Cluster Generator that eliminates activated oxygen and static electricity from the air. Then, there's also the AC Deodorising Filter which improves the air quality by eliminating cigarette odours, smoke particles, and other foul odours in minutes.

Plus, it also has a Rhythmic Cleaning System. The turbo-powered fan increases the airflow rate through air circulation, providing nature-like fresh air. And finally, the LOMBOK II even has an Air Quality Indicator. Through the LED display that lights up with four different illuminating colours, you'll be able to easily gauge the air quality in your home.

3. With its HEPA filter, the LOMBOK II is able to inactivate more types of bacteria and viruses, making it suitable for indoor air-conditioned environments with bad air circulation

Image via Kedai Mega

4. It operates based on an advanced six-step filtration process

Image via Kedai Mega

Step 1: Pre-Filter - Removes dust, human hair, and pet fur
Step 2: Legionella Filter - Removes legionella, staphylococcus, aureus, and other bacteria
Step 3: HEPA Filter - Eliminates cigarette smoke, micro dust, bacteria, viruses, and germs
Step 4: RBD Plasma Filter - Eliminates cigarette smoke, micro dust, bacteria, viruses, and germs
Step 5: Catalyst Filer - Eliminates harmful gases such as formaldehyde and other VOCs
Step 6: Advanced Deodorisation Filter - Eliminates bad odours, VOCs, and tobacco smell

If you'd like to get one for your home, there are two ways you can own a Coway LOMBOK II

Image via Coway

The Coway LOMBOK II is available via both outright and rental (RM104 per month) payment modes.

But from now to 23 June 2020, you'll get to enjoy a special promo price for the rental option. Buy the LOMBOK II for only RM94 per month, and you'll get a free five-year product maintenance service!

Here's what the product maintenance service includes:
Step 1: Pre-Filter Cleaning
Step 2: Periodical Filter Change
Step 3: Contamination Detection Check
Step 4: Exterior Cleaning

Coway wants to remind all Malaysians to stay home and stay safe! For more information on the LOMBOK II, check out their website.

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