
10 Photography Tricks To Know Before Your Next Trip

To get that really hipster shot while on vacation.

Cover image via Thibaud Poirier

1. Frame it with a window

Image via Pinterest

Show off the view from your seat or from your room window!

Just like how we use photo frames to display our photos at home, you can use windows as makeshift frames to draw attention to the scenery you want to show off.

2. You can use arches to do the same too

Image via T
Image via Pinterest
Image via Rail Pass

This style will look great on your feed especially if you're trying to capture a building or monument. It adds depth to your photo, and some buildings are even designed that way. For example, the Taj Mahal was built in such a way to allow visitors to be able to view it as a whole from any archway in its compound.

3. Keep your photos symmetrical

Symmetrical photos of gardens and buildings are always pleasing to look at on our social media feed. This is because a symmetrical and balanced photo evokes a sense of harmony and stability in the viewers.

4. Keep the background blurry

Image via Rebloggy
Image via Pinterest

A blurred background helps to point viewers in the direction of the subject you want to highlight: it could be the bicycle by the canal, a flower, or even a building. The soft, rounded background blur is also visually appealing.

5. Slow shutter gets you amazing city shots

Image via Kyle Duffy
Image via Tumblr

Try this technique if you're visiting a buzzing city like Tokyo, Jakarta, or Seoul. The 'travelling' lights captured when you're using slow shutter makes the city look alive and busy in your photos.

6. Forget selfies, go for silhouettes instead

Image via Tumblr
Image via Crazyjake
Image via Robins Mathew

Want a photo of yourself and the scenery at the back? Take a silhouette shot instead of a selfie. By capturing just the silhouette, you add a layer of mystery to your photos. It leaves people wondering as to what the person in the photograph is thinking about.

7. Minimalism is the way to go

Image via Tropic Albert
Image via Tropic Albert

Minimalistic shots are great to show of clean walls, clear skies, and open fields. They're incredibly refreshing and soothing to look at, especially after scrolling through rows of selfies and food photos on your feed.

8. If you can, try to get an aerial shot

Image via Wedrone

How often do you get to admire a view from the top? That's why aerial shots are so captivating. Different angles give you a different view of a place or building. The view from the top is something that we don't usually see everyday, making it all the more appealing.

9. Vanishing point shots work too

Image via Gram Union
Image via Gabo Jäggi
Image via Thibaud Poirer

This is a great shot to take if you want to show the scale of a building, or the length of a street you're visiting. Think Myeong-dong and Angkor Wat. It also makes one wonder where does the road end, adding a sense of mystery to your photos.

10. Have fun with lines

Image via Anh Nguyen

Think of lines as arrows pointing you to a certain thing in a photo. Lines in travel photos can help emphasise certain things in the photos, depending on how you capture it. Different types of lines can also convey different emotions, for example: diagonal lines in a photo makes the shot look more dynamic and upbeat, as compared to horizontal lines.

More #photography tips here: