
Do Foam Cleansers Really Strip Moisture From Your Skin? Here's What You Need To Know

Make sure to choose the right foaming cleanser based on your skin type!

Cover image via Freepik & Nati Melnychuk (Unsplash)

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One of the most important steps in a skincare routine is the initial step of cleansing the face

Throughout the day, our skin usually accumulates dirt, pollutants, excess oils, and impurities, which can clog our pores and lead to various skin problems like acne and premature ageing.

It's important to cleanse our face so that the outer layer of our skin is clean, refreshed, and ready to absorb products like toners, serums, and moisturisers, allowing them to work their magic effectively. 

You'll find various types of cleansers in the market, whether it's gel cleansers, oil cleansers, cream cleansers, or foam cleansers. And recently, cream-to-foam cleansers are gaining popularity too! 

While many of us love using foamy cleansers and getting the squeaky clean feeling after washing our faces, it may not always be the healthiest thing for our skin

Foamy, soapy cleansers typically contain surfactants, which are active ingredients responsible for creating the luxurious lather we enjoy. However, the strong cleansing action of certain surfactants can potentially remove not only dirt and impurities, but also the skin's natural oils.

This may result in the skin feeling too tight and losing its moisture, potentially harming the skin's barrier. But, is this the case for all foam cleansers?

The good news is that not all foamy cleansers are created equal!

Image via Burst (Pexels)

The formulation, type of surfactant used, and presence of additional moisturising ingredients all contribute to whether a cleanser will strip moisture from the skin.

Many skincare brands now formulate their products with milder surfactants and hydrating ingredients that help prevent potential moisture loss.

Some of the soothing ingredients they might include are aloe vera, chamomile, or hyaluronic acid. By adding these ingredients, your skin will not only stay hydrated during and after cleansing, but will also feel clean and refreshed.

If you have dry skin and plan on using a foam cleanser, make sure it has gentle surfactants and moisturising ingredients

You'll want to avoid a cleanser that has harsh sulfates like sodium lauryl sulfate or sodium laureth sulfate, which can be more drying to your skin.

Also, don't overuse your foam cleanser. Since they lather once in contact with water, all you really need is one small pump to cleanse your whole face.

After cleansing, follow up your skincare routine by applying a hydrating toner, serums, and moisturiser to ensure there is enough hydration for the skin barrier to do its job. 

Introducing Cetaphil's new Hydrating Foaming Cream Cleanser, which gently cleanses without stripping your skin's moisture

Cetaphil is the number one dermatological skincare brand in Malaysia*. They are known for producing skincare products for those who struggle with sensitive or dry to normal skin. 

Formulated with an amino acid surfactant system, their latest cream-to-foam cleanser provides a rich, foamy lather, giving you a satisfying cleansing experience.

Most importantly, the Cetaphil Hydrating Foaming Cream Cleanser gets the job done by cleansing your skin well without drying out your skin barrier, leaving your skin soft and bouncy to the touch.

This cleanser contains hydrating ingredients like glycerin, essential vitamins (B3 and B5), and soothing aloe, all of which are essential for maintaining the skin's natural protective barrier.

*IQVIA Malaysia, Emollients & Protective Market, MAT Q1 2023 (Values)

That's not all. The Cetaphil Hydrating Foaming Cream Cleanser also is clinically proven to remove up to 97% of pollution particles from the skin's surface**!

Not only is this cleanser gentle on those with dry skin, it's also able to remove pore-clogging oils, dirt, and makeup, without harming the skin's moisture barrier.

The soothing aloe preserves the skin's microbiome, while also hydrating and nourishing the skin's natural protective barrier and pH level with a dermatologist-backed blend of niacinamide, pathenol, and hydrating glycerin. All in all, this Cetaphil cream-to-foam cleanser is able to provide up to eight hours of skin barrier maintenance***.

What's also amazing is that the Cetaphil Hydrating Foaming Cream Cleanser is proven to decrease skin tightness and irritation after just seven days of use. 79% of people who used the cleanser said they saw a decrease in signs of sensitive skin within a month of using the Cetaphil product****.

Plus, Cetaphil products are made free from parabens, SLSs, soaps, oils, and fragrances. This makes their products hypoallergenic, not pore-clogging, gentle, and suitable to be used on the face and body for all skin types.

**Galderma data on file RD.27.SPR.204924
***Galderma data on file RD.27.SPR.204922
****Galderma data on file RD.27.SPR.204923

Want to win a trial pack and promo voucher for Cetaphil Hydrating Foaming Cream Cleanser? Head over to Cetaphil's website to play their mini game and score yourself freebies today!

Find out more information on Cetaphil Hydrating Foaming Cream Cleanser here.

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Image via SAYS

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