
Does Your Man Finish Too Quick In Bed?

Premature ejaculation is the most common male sexual dysfunction. A new drug called Promescent, now hailed the "anti-Viagra" drug, has come to the rescue.

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New drug on market given "anti-Viagra" title

From the little blue pill Viagra to Cialis and Levitra, sexual aids for men are already a multibillion dollar business. But the latest drugs tackle an altogether different problem: premature ejaculation, or PE.

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Jeff Abraham, CEO of Absorption Pharmaceuticals, said Promescent sales will hit $1.5 million this year and top $4 million in 2014. He credits the product's growth to referrals from a network of urologists.

This drug, called Promescent, is for men who end the party too soon (premature ejaculation)


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Promescent is an over the counter product made by a company called Absorption Pharmaceuticals. It's main competitor is called Tempe, this drug was invented by the same maker of Viagra, Dr. Mike Wyllie.

An advertisement for Promescent.

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Promescent uses lidocaine, a pain medication, to reduce a man’s sensitivity so he can perform for longer.

This anti-Viagra drug is supposed to reduce sensitivity and allow for longer-lasting performance

The product contains lidocaine to reduce sensitivity and allow for a longer-lasting performance. Since it's absorbed quickly, the effect won't be transferred to sexual partners, and its makers say that it doesn't diminish climax for the user.

An average man reaches climax in about 4 minutes, men who suffer from premature ejaculation (PE) don't last more than a minute

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Men who suffer from PE usually don't last more than a minute. Current treatments include off-label use of antidepressants, which can have side effects. New products aim to avoid that.

According to AskMen, 30% of men suffer from PE

PE is the most common sexual issue a guy can have. It doesn’t matter how old you are, how much experience you have or how much you know about sex, it can happen to anyone.

The main symptom of premature ejaculation is an uncontrolled ejaculation either before or shortly after intercourse begins. Ejaculation occurs before the person wishes it, with minimal sexual stimulation.

Most cases of premature ejaculation do not have a clear cause

Premature ejaculation may occur with a new partner, only in certain sexual situations, or if it has been a long time since the last ejaculation. Psychological factors such as anxiety, guilt, or depression can cause premature ejaculation.

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PE significantly negatively impacts men and their partners and may prevent single men from forming new partner relationships

Men are reluctant to seek treatment from their physicians, although they may be more encouraged to do so through their partner's support and the availability of effective treatments.

It is likely affecting a man's feelings of self-worth and sense of masculinity, and the man may have simply given up all hope that he could be any other way.

PE also impacts the woman, a woman's sexual pleasure, orgasm and even interest in sex may wane or simply not happen if the man is a two-minute man.

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