
6 Easy Tips & Tricks To Simplify Your Recycling Process At Home

Recycling at home doesn't have to be difficult.

Cover image via Light Supplier & Andrii Synenkyi (Vecteezy)

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Over the years, more Malaysians have become more eco-conscious, practising the three Rs whenever they can

You probably didn't realise it, but do you recall your mum stacking old newspapers in a corner of your home, and then trading them with the paper lama uncle for some cash? Although your mum got paid for it, it's still a form of recycling!

And now, we're no longer just looking to recycle old newspapers, plastics, and metals, but also clothes, e-waste, ink cartridges, and more.

That's because recycling is one of the easiest ways we can all contribute to a cleaner, greener planet. While it may feel like a daunting task at times, if you simplify the process, you'll learn that it's actually quite doable.

Here are a few tips and tricks to make recycling a lot easier at home:

1. Create a recycling station at home

Similar to how your mum used to dedicate a space at home for old newspapers, you can create a space in your home solely for recycling. This can be a corner in your kitchen, a large kitchen drawer, a section of your storeroom, or even a labeled bin on your balcony. 

Having a designated area will make it easier to sort and store your recyclables. 

Pro tip: Opt for a storage box or bag with handles so that you can easily transport your recyclables to and from your neighbourhood's recycling centre. 

2. Use clear bins or labels

Use clear bins or label your recycling bins with categories like "Paper," "Plastic," "Glass," and "Metal." This simple step will prevent confusion and ensure your recyclables are sorted correctly.

Plus, it will save you a lot of time, especially if your recycling centre requires you to separate your recyclables into their respective categories.

Pro tip: Buy a matching set of stackable recycling bins to keep your station neat and tidy.

3. Separate the plastic cap from plastic bottles

Image via ThoughtCo

You might have wondered whether you can recycle plastic bottle caps. According to RealSimple, you can! In the past, you definitely couldn't recycle plastic bottle caps, but recycling collection and processing technology has vastly improved over the years.

But since the cap and plastic bottle are two different types of plastic, they have to be recycled separately to prevent contamination in the recycling machine. 

Pro tip: Since plastic caps are small, collect them in a small bag or container. Once it's full, toss it into your recycling bin. 

4. Flatten or cut up your cardboard

Image via Martor USA

As online shopping is the new norm, it's common to have cardboard boxes lying around your house.

To save space, flatten your boxes or simply cut them up into smaller pieces. This method makes storing them a lot easier and more convenient, and will only take up a minute or two of your time.

Pro tip: Use heavy-duty scissors or a blade to effortlessly cut up the boxes.

5. Wash or rinse your recyclables

Image via Country Living

While washing your recyclables is indeed an extra step, it does help simplify your recycling process in the long run. Having clean recyclables means you can accumulate them, instead of throwing them out daily.

In fact, if you leave your recyclables dirty and oily, they'll not only soil your bins, but also attract pests and stink up your house, which will end up creating more problems for you.

Pro tip: A quick rinse or scrub is usually sufficient to remove most residues and contaminants. 

6. Set up a separate recycling bin in your kitchen

Image via Light Supplier

Like every other household, you most probably have a small rubbish bin in or under your kitchen sink for disposing of trash. Why not add another bin specifically for recycling purposes? You can store your accumulated recyclables in the bin, and by the end of the day, transfer them to your recycling station.

Plus, if you're always accidentally throwing your recyclables away, placing a bin next to your rubbish bin serves as the perfect reminder to recycle instead of tossing everything into the trash. 

Pro tip: Use different coloured bags or bins to easily differentiate between your waste and recycling bins. 

Want to get rewarded for your recycling efforts? Now you can with Grab. :D

Some of the plastic items that are accepted at the Grab x KLEAN RVMs.

Image via Edited by SAYS

As part of the GrabForGood initiative to reduce plastic wastage, Grab is partnering with KLEAN to develop AI-driven reverse vending machines (RVM) that not only accept plastic food containers, but also reward you for going green!

When you recycle your plastic containers at the machine, you'll be able to earn KLEAN points via the KLEAN app. These points can then be redeemed for GrabFood vouchers within the KLEAN app, hurrah!

In fact, Grab will be rolling out 18 RVMs across Klang Valley throughout the month, encouraging Malaysians to recycle their plastic food packaging. All plastic items will be collected by KLEAN's collection partner, Asasrama, who will turn them into PP pallets or flakes. These materials will then be used to produce apparel, fibre for carpets, plastic boxes, plastic furniture, and more. 

But you might wonder, what type of plastics can the machine accept?

All RVMs accept most kinds of plastic, especially the plastic food packaging you often get from GrabFood delivery, as well as plastic bottles, plastic food containers, and aluminum cans. From your chap fan takeaway packaging to plastic sauce containers, the RVM accepts 'em all. 

Pssttt... Do you have stacks of plastic containers that your mum has been accumulating in the cupboard? Those plastic items can be recycled at the RVM too! :P

Watch this video to learn more about what you can recycle at the RVM:

Here's a step-by-step guide on recycling with Grab x KLEAN:

STEP 1: Locate the RVM nearest to you and deposit your plastic containers, bottles, and aluminum cans into the RVM

STEP 2: Download the KLEAN app and scan the QR code displayed on the RVM screen to collect your KLEAN points

STEP 3: Accumulate KLEAN points to redeem GrabFood vouchers on the KLEAN app

STEP 4: Enjoy the GrabFood vouchers on the Grab app

That's it! Easy peasy, right?

So, whatchu waiting for? Deposit your plastic recyclables at your nearest RVM today, which can be found on this website!

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