
Survey Shows 49% Of Diabetes Cases In M'sia Go Undiagnosed. Here's What You Should Know

There are various risk factors that Malaysians should be aware of.

Cover image via Suriyawut Suriya/Vecteezy & senivpetro/Freepik

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This Spotlight is sponsored by Sunway Healthcare Group.

Let's talk about our absolute obsession – Malaysian food

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Whether it's the morning roti and teh tarik that kickstarts our day, hitting up cafés for some weekend chill, or embarking on those epic midnight supper escapades, admit it, we're always ready to makan!

But have you ever pondered how the food we eat impacts our blood glucose levels and overall health? Well, a recent study has shed some light on this topic.

One in three adults in Malaysia is poised to have a date with diabetes by 2025 if we don't crank up the awareness game

What's worse is that according to a national survey report in 2019, 3.6 million adults (18 and above years) had diabetes, while 49% (3.7 million) cases were undiagnosed. This means nearly half of the diabetics in Malaysia do not know they have the disease.

Why don't people know they have diabetes? Well, for one – they are afraid of getting screened and diagnosed, according to Sunway Medical Centre endocrinologist, Dr Teoh Wei Leng.

"Sometimes it's the lack of awareness of the risk factors, or they don't go for screening simply because they don't see any symptoms," said Dr Teoh.

"I've also met people who live in denial and they refuse to undergo screening in case they find a problem with their health."

Living the Malaysian lifestyle, we often embrace the "ignorance is bliss" vibe, keeping it cool like everything's on point. I mean, let's be real—fear of the unknown is that silent stressor that gets us all, doesn't it?

However, Dr Teoh highlighted some of the major risk factors that Malaysians need to be aware of

This includes being overweight, having a high Body Mass Index, having had gestational diabetes before, physical inactivity (yea, that's you if you're scrolling through social media or sitting at your desk all day), or having family members who are diabetic. 

The truth is that living with diabetes can bring on a host of health issues throughout your body

Speaking of health complications, Dr Teoh highlighted how your heart might be at risk with medical conditions such as heart disease and stroke because diabetes messes with your blood vessels. Nerve damage could make your hands and feet feel weird or hurt. Your kidneys might have a tough time cleaning your blood. And watch out for your eyes – diabetes can mess with your vision and may even lead to blindness.

Diabetes can affect your everyday life if you're not careful. Your cuts on your feet might take longer to heal, and you could get infections much easily. Skin problems, gum disease, and hearing issues are also on the radar.

Thankfully, Dr Teoh said that early detection and prevention could help prevent these issues. She also mentioned that patients ought to keep an eye on their blood sugar, take their meds, and make healthy lifestyle moves to dodge these complications. In a country where food is a way of life, it's time to pause and consider the impact of our choices.

This year, to encourage public awareness for diabetes, Sunway Healthcare Group has introduced its diabetes risk calculator

The publicly accessible digital calculator aims to help Malaysians assess their risk of diabetes privately, even from their mobile phones. The campaign also hopes to see more Malaysians understanding their risk factors and undergoing diabetes screenings.

So, if you're looking to avoid that date with diabetes, you can start by exploring the calculator today.

P.S. Be on a constant lookout for those sweeteners and carb counts when you’re happily munching on your favourite eats!

The information provided is for educational and communication purposes only and it should not be construed as personal medical advice. Information published in this article is not intended to replace, supplant or augment a consultation with a health professional regarding the reader’s own medical care.

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