
[VIDEO] Here's How You Can Have A Healthier Diet Without Sacrificing Your Fave Food

It all starts by understanding your body! <3

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In a recent video, Brenda breaks down how you can start eating right to care for your body

Watch the full video below:

First things first, Brenda suggests that understanding your body is the first step to taking better care of your health

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Brenda: "First, you can do a simple calculation of your Body Mass Index (BMI) to understand the right caloric intake for your daily needs. Then, write down everything you eat for a whole day, or even better, a whole week. You will be surprised at home how much extra calories you have eaten, as well as how much nutrients are lacking from your daily diet."

Eating right doesn't mean you have to let go of your favourite foods.

Brenda provides a guide on how to enjoy them in a balanced and healthy way.

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Brenda: "I still eat my roti canai for breakfast, but I limit it to a single piece and add in two soft boiled eggs for protein. I would also replace my hearty teh tarik for a teh o panas instead."

Apart from that, you need to also make sure you get the adequate amount of nutrients your body needs from the food you eat

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Brenda: "For example, the Vitamin B group is important to support our metabolism and produce energy for the body. It's also an important nutrient to maintain the brain and nervous system at an optimum level. Vitamin B deficiency may be the reason one might be feeling tired easily or unable to focus."

If you feel like you're not getting enough nutrients from your diet, you can consider supplements like Proviton Multivitamin to ensure you're meeting your daily nutritional needs

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Proviton Multivitamins are specifically formulated with 23 essential vitamins and minerals, plus Panax Ginseng, to complement your lifestyle and eating habits. 

They provide vital nutrients that our bodies need but may lack in our daily diets. Even with a balanced diet, individuals may still experience nutritional gaps, which Proviton Multivitamins help to fill by offering necessary vitamins and minerals in a convenient supplement form.

Proviton Multivitamins are made with pharma-grade ingredients in a GMP-certified plant and are certified halal by JAKIM.

Proviton is also partnering with Health Lane Family Pharmacy to encourage Malaysians to take the Proviton Multiviamins "Self-Love" Pledge

Those who pledge at Health Lane Family Pharmacy will receive a one-month supply of Proviton Multivitamins

Learn more about Proviton Multivitamins at Health Lane Family Pharmacy and join the "Proviton Multivitamins Love Yourself, Love Your Health" movement today.

Pledge to nourish your body with the essential nutrients it needs!

Head over to your nearest Health Lane Family Pharmacy today to find out more!

The information provided is for educational and communication purposes only and it should not be construed as personal medical advice. Information published in this article is not intended to replace, supplant or augment a consultation with a health professional regarding the reader’s own medical care. 

KKLIU Number: KKLIU 1714 / EXP 31.12.2026

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