12 Easy Things You Can Do To Make Chinese New Year More Meaningful
Chinese New Year is not only about good food and money. Try something new this year to make your celebration a little more meaningful and memorable.
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Chu Yin Shan
7. Take 10 seconds to admire the beautiful patterns on your ang pow before tearing it open
Take some time to really admire the beautiful patterns on your Ang Pow before tearing it open
Image via taobaocdn.com8. Give out mandarin oranges to an old folks home near you
Go to the local old folks home and give them some mandarine oranges, and CNY joy
Image via blogspot.com9. Sincerely compliment someone on how they look
Give your friend a sincere compliment on how good they look in their new CNY clothes
Image via Melody Oei11. Ask your grandparents a question about their lives when they were 20-somethings
Ask your grandparents a question about the days when they were 20-sometings
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