
Is Motherhood In Your Plans? Here Are Some Important Things You Should Know

Stepping into parenthood can be a daunting, albeit precious journey.

Cover image via @tabudlodd06 (Unsplash) & Prudential (Provided to SAYS)

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This Spotlight is sponsored by Prudential.

March is the month that women around the world are celebrated for their achievements, culminating in International Women's Day on 8 March

Women play many roles that continue to evolve to this day, that's for sure. Traditionally, the social role of women meant being the lady of the house and caring for their family, as well as the children they were expected to have.

Now, many of them aren't confined to conventional values. From career prospects to personal ambition and lifestyle choices, women are more empowered to live how they want to compared to many of their mothers and grandmothers.

For those who want children, forming a family may come later in life, a study reported by Forbes suggests, citing factors like financial and emotional readiness

Image via NPR

In Malaysia, raising a child until the age of 17 can cost from RM393,000 to RM1.3 million according to a 2020 cover story by The Edge.

If motherhood is in your plans, here are some things to consider:

1. Pregnancy looks different for everyone

Your goals and wants when you are in your 20s naturally progress as you hit certain milestones in life, where the focus may steer towards the topic of family.

After all, there are less commitments to think about when you're young and just getting started. Plus, hitting your 30s is usually a time when you're more confident and established, be it personally or professionally.

Since having a baby in your 20s can look different than your 30s, it is worth understanding some risks of getting pregnant at an older age. Women above 35, for example, may be more likely to experience complications with their pregnancy, which include preterm births and chromosomal abnormalities, compared to mothers in their 20s and early 30s, a study found.

2. Being emotionally prepared is important

Research suggests that maturity plays a role in better parenting. In a study conducted by the University of California, San Francisco, researchers found that most participants felt they were more emotionally prepared for parenthood later in life or in their 30s.

3. Financial planning is key

This allows you to secure an education fund for your children as well as a retirement fund for you and your partner. Finance-wise, proper protection for your baby can come even before you give birth.

For example, insurance companies like Prudential have plans that provide protection from 13 weeks of pregnancy until the baby turns 100 years old, which many loving parents see as the best first gift they can give their child.

4. Each child is unique — there's no one-size-fits-all approach to parenting

No matter how many kids you decide on having, it is worth bearing in mind no two children are the same. Similarly, your style of parenting does not have to be 'perfect' when it comes to raising them.

Priorities may vary for different families too. Some parents may only want one child, so they can pour all their love and attention into raising them well. Meanwhile, things like congenital health issues, such as heart defects, can mean that some babies may need more care than others. Also, keep in mind that every child's development progress is different.

Thankfully, certain prenatal plans protect even before birth, providing parents the support they need, including financial assistance should any medical or child development issues arise.

Regardless of when you choose to be a parent, Prudential would like to be a part of your journey, supporting you, your child, and family

Prudential has launched an enhanced protection solution, PRUMy Child Plus, a comprehensive prenatal plan that protects mother and baby from as early as 13 weeks of pregnancy to give mums and parents a peace of mind through this journey.

The coverage also grows with your child until they reach 100 years of age, and can be bought for adopted children as long as you are their legal guardian.

Here's a look at the benefits parents can expect with PRUMy Child Plus:

1. PRUMy Child Plus covers nine pregnancy complications with coverage up to RM8,000 so you can have peace of mind when preparing for labour in advance or seeking support during your pregnancy

2. Rest assured, you will be cared for during your delivery journey, and in case of an emergency delivery before week 36 of gestation, you will be reimbursed up to RM8,000

3. The plan also covers your baby if they are hospitalised due to 27 listed congenital conditions and all structural congenital conditions (such as cleft lip and heart defects) of up to RM50,000 yearly, until the age of seven

4. Parents can expect yearly support of up to RM8,000 for children diagnosed with autism, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and more, until the age of seven

Each plan comes with attachable high medical coverage that is guaranteed to automatically increase every year, covers critical illness, and more that protects the child up to 100 years of age

Accidental coverage is also available, which protects the child up to 70 years of age.

Want to add another layer of security for your child in case of rainy days? Parents can also set aside savings to grow their child's education fund with the PRUSaver Kid rider and Parent Payor rider. 

All in all, Prudential wants to send a message to all the awesome Malaysian women that, no matter what you choose and what you do, they will always be supporting you, every step of the way <3

If you're interested to learn more about PRUMy Child Plus and ways to give your child a head start in life, visit Prudential's website. You'll earn one month premium cashback* when you sign up today!

Have other questions and other financial needs that need sorting out? Speak to one of Prudential's wealth planners today.

This is a limited period offer. Terms and conditions apply.

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