
"Iron Lady On Top Of KLCC" — Video Shows A Woman Confidently Fixing Lights On Twin Towers

While many women expressed admiration for the woman, calling her the "coolest, and most badass", some men joked that if they were asked to do her job, they might have peed themselves.

Cover image via @siva_wwc (Instagram)

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Drone footage showing a group of technicians hanging by ropes and fixing lights at the top of the Petronas Twin Towers has gone viral

While the aerial footage shows the Twin Towers in all their glory, it's the sight of a woman confidently carrying out her job on top of one of the tallest towers in the world, that has captured people's attention.

The woman, in a red hijab and full safety gear, is seen nonchalantly replacing old flood light bulbs with new ones while balancing herself on the side of one of the Twin Towers' peaks.

The drone footage was captured and posted by photographer Siva Kumar on Instagram. According to Siva, who spoke to this SAYS writer, the technician was installing new spotlights that can change colours.

In the video, the photographer described the woman as an "iron lady"

While speaking to me over a call, Siva shared how he was able to capture the shot.

According to Siva, who does photography as a hobby, he was flying his drone nearby KLCC when he noticed movements on top of the towers. Intrigued, he used his drone's zoom feature to take a closer look.

"The sight of all those technicians up there, simply hanging by the ropes and changing the lights, fascinated me. It was very attractive, and I wanted to capture it all to share with people online," Siva said.

In the footage, as the drone pans around and cuts to the woman, she smiles and waves to the camera.

"I wanted to show everyone that women can do anything"

Siva said that he also wanted to inspire other women, who may look at the iron lady on top of the Petronas Twin Towers and be as fearless and confident as her in whatever they do in their lives.

And Siva is right.

The drone footage he posted on his Instagram two days ago has since gone viral. At the time of this writing, the Reel has been viewed over 334,000 times and has close to 500 comments.

It has also been posted on Twitter and other platforms by viral pages, where people have left comments saying that they were blown away by the woman's nonchalant attitude despite hanging from that height.

While many women expressed admiration for the iron lady, calling her the "coolest, and most badass", some men joked that if they were asked to do her job, they might have peed themselves.

Siva also shared some photographs with SAYS, giving us a closer and more confident portrait of the woman simply carrying out her job

Speaking of which, the Twin Towers recently made an appearance in India:

Recently, a Malaysian photographer captured a charming, small hair salon in Kuantan as the owner was opening her shop:

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