[FACT OR FAKE #2] Eating Subway is Healthier Than McD's
When we choose our bread, veg and Sub of the day, it's like a health accomplishment, right? Anything is better than burger patties and mayo in a McDonald's burger, right? In our second round of Fact or Fake, we found out the true story behind this hunch we had about these two food giants.
Debunked: Subway sandwiches have salt three times higher than recommended. It's not healthier, it's equally as bad as McDonald's
"The nutrient profile at Subway was slightly healthier, but the food still contained three times the amount of salt that the Institute of Medicine recommends," Lesser said.
sciencedaily.comThe sodium content at both restaurants was three times higher than the IOM recommended daily dose: 2,149 mg at Subway versus 1,829 mg at McDonald’s.
yahoo.comA recent study suggests that teenagers often consume roughly the same number of calories at both Subway and McDonald's. The study was conducted by experts from a host of lauded research institutions, including UCLA.
[FACT OR FAKE #1] This Ad Was Targeted At Pakatan Supporters?
LRT commuters spotted this Harian Metro "Penjenayah suka pakai hitam" advertisement on the handrails of the Putra LRT a day after the Kelana Jaya Black 505 rally. Was this advertisement politically motivated to attack the 120,000 Black Wednesday supporters?