
Are You In The Arts & Culture Industry? You May Qualify For This Certificate Through JKKN

The certification is open to industry practitioners in dance, theatre, music, and stage operations.

Cover image via National Department for Culture and Arts (JKKN)

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This Spotlight is sponsored by the National Department for Culture and Arts (JKKN).

In an effort to empower those in the arts and culture industry, the government is providing a certification to recognise their skillsets

Image via JKKN

The National Department for Culture and Arts (JKKN), which is part of the Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture, is responsible for building up the talent within the arts and culture industry in Malaysia.

As an Industry Lead Body (ILB) appointed by Department of Skills Development (JPK) under the Ministry of Human Resources (MoHR), JKKN aims to develop skilled human resources within the arts and culture sector in four specific areas: dance, theatre, music, and stage operations.

One way that JKKN is doing so is by providing the Malaysian Skills Certificate (SKM) through Recognition of Prior Achievement (PPT) for arts and culture industry practitioners

Image via JKKN

SKM is a formal nationally recognised certificate issued by the government to individuals who have shown capabilities that are required and been equipped with specific competencies.

Here's a look at some benefits you get with the SKM certification:
- The certificate is industry-recognised in Malaysia
- It provides a career path and personal growth opportunity
- It produces skilled workers who are trained and qualified to enhance the competitiveness of local industries

Image via JKKN

On top of facilitating the certification process, JKKN also conducts workshops and guidance sessions. It also forms strategic collaborations with The National Academy of Arts, Culture and Heritage (ASWARA), arts and culture associations, industry partners and engages with stakeholders to drive the development of human resources in the arts and culture industry.

For instance, JKKN serves as an accredited centre for National Dual Training System (SLDN), SI0138 In-House for Level 2 and 3 traditional dance programmes, as well as Level 3 singing programmes, bringing in trainers from PERMATA Seni Tari and PERMATA Seni Koir.

If you're an arts and culture industry practitioner, JKKN invites you to apply for Malaysian Skills Certificate through Recognition of Prior Achievement (SKM-PPT)

Applications for the year 2024 can be made online through the JKKN website starting February 2024.

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