
From Songwriting To Motorsports, This Initiative Empowers Youths To Pursue Their Passions

There are 10 different areas of interest to choose from based on your passion.

Cover image via Long Bùi (Pexels) & Alex Andrews (Pexels)

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This Spotlight is sponsored by the Ministry of Youth and Sports.

If you didn't know, the Ministry of Youth and Sports has an initiative called Rakan Muda, which helps to unify youths through various activities they can access and participate in during their free time

The Ministry of Youth and Sports, through the Rakan Muda initiative, is dedicated to nurturing the potential of individuals aged 15 to 30. Their primary goal is to empower the younger generation by gaining insights into their expressions, interests, and positive inclinations, all while fostering a dynamic, enjoyable, and purposeful lifestyle.

They also recognise that the youth are the driving force for Malaysia's future, making it paramount to instil virtuous habits and promote suitable lifestyles through a diverse array of activities. This will hopefully cultivate smarter and more compassionate future leaders.

Here are the 10 areas of interest that Rakan Muda have for youths to participate in:

1. Rakan Aktif
Youths will get to participate in various physical activities that shape a more active and fit society in line with Malaysia's goals of raising a physically healthy society.

2. Rakan Bumi
Youths will gain exposure and explore the importance of environmental and climate sustainability care to support Malaysia's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 

3. Rakan Demokrasi 
Youths will learn to understand the principles of the country's democracy and the federal constitution, which will help produce young people who are involved in nation-building. 

4. Rakan Digital
Youths will learn about different channels to encourage creativity and digital innovation, as well as educate them to be responsible users.

5. Rakan Ekspresi
Youths will be able to express their creative talents, interests, and ideas through speaking, writing, painting, and other forms of art based on good moral values, manners, and proper etiquette.

6. Rakan Litar
Youths who like motorsports will enjoy Rakan Litar as it focuses on supporting motorsport activities and other track-based activities to build up healthy competition among the younger generation.

7. Rakan Mahir
Youths will be able to gain knowledge from participating in formal and informal education in the field of technical and vocational skills through workshops and skill-based activities.

8. Rakan Muzik
Youths who are musically inclined will be able to hone their skills in playing musical instruments, composing music, writing lyrics, singing, and performing through Rakan Muzik.

9. Rakan Niaga
Youths will be able to learn about business and entrepreneurship through various trainings that build the capabilities and innovativeness of youths, in an effort to improve the country's economy.

10. Rakan Prihatin
Rakan Prihatin aims to instil a sense of empathy and sympathy in youths by inculcating the values of volunteerism and inter-generation synergy.

Interested in joining Rakan Muda? Here's how:

Anyone who is aged 15 to 30 is able to join or pick the activity of their choice, however, there are certain activities that have certain age restrictions. 

The best part is that you will be able to join more than one activity too, depending on your interest! 

What's even more exciting is that participants in Rakan Muda activities will be able to enjoy various rewards with the Ministry of Youth and Sports' partners like Grab, Lazada, Foodpanda, and Shopee. 

All you have to do is log on to this website and browse through the activities of your choice in your state. Then, apply for what you're interested in.  

Learn more about Rakan Muda on their website

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