
Breakfast For 3,388 People — This Event Ate Its Way Into The Malaysian Book Of Records

Talk about big breakfast, whew.

Cover image via S P Setia (Provided to SAYS)

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This Spotlight is sponsored by S P Setia.

For many, starting the day with a good, hearty breakfast is not only a deliciously satisfying affair, but also offers a window to gather our thoughts or catch up with family and friends as we eat in the morning

Image via GIPHY

Whether over dim sum or cold cereal, we're sure to have collected countless cherished memories that revolve around the breakfast table.

In honour of Hari Kebangsaan and Malaysia Day, property developer Setia recently succeeded in cementing our mutual love for food in the Malaysian Book of Records

Called Jom, Bersarapan Bersama Setia, the event, which took place on 17 September, draws on the idea that food can bring people together.

It saw 3,388 participants scattered across Malaysia and three other countries come together and achieve a record for the Largest Participation in a Malaysia Breakfast Session Simultaneously in the Malaysian Book of Records.

Impressively, Setia managed to pull this feat off through a virtual call on Microsoft Teams.

Held at 26 Setia sales galleries throughout Malaysia, Vietnam, Singapore, and Australia, guests were served classic local fare

Of course, a Malaysian breakfast would be amiss if beloved dishes aren't on the table.

The menu of the day consisted of nasi lemak, roti canai, dim sum, and a whole assortment of lip-smacking kuih. To wash it all down, guests enjoyed another local signature, frothy teh tarik!

Besides the mass makan session, the one-day event featured fun activities that were fit for the whole family. From face painting to batik painting and colouring, and even a teh tarik and roti canai show, adults and children alike were pictured having a good time.

At the end of the day, there's no denying that food sparks unity, a culture of oneness that Setia is proud to promote through its events

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