
9 Malaysian Teens Confess Their Biggest Fears About Their Future

Being young doesn't mean that they have no worries.

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1. “I’m scared I won’t be able to get a job after uni”

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“My dad worked in the same company for more than 15 years and recently got retrenched. He’s so smart and qualified but is struggling to secure a new job. If someone as awesome as my dad can’t get a job, what’s going to happen to me?”

- Mei, 19

2. “I don’t know if I’ll like my university course. What if I hate it?”

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“My parents have invested so much money into my education. But what if my choice is wrong and the course I’ve chosen is bad. Or if I don’t enjoy it, I’ll have no choice but to continue because it will be too late to change.”

- Johan, 18

3. “I have no idea what I want to be when I grow up”

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“Ever since I can remember, every adult has asked me what I want to be when I grow up. Family members, teachers, my parents’ friends. All my classmates seem so sure what they want to be, but I have no idea. So, I just say what my parents want to hear.”

- Hariz, 15

4. "I'm worried about how much my education is going to cost"

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"I'll be sitting for SPM this year and I'm terrified that my grades won't be good enough to get me a scholarship. Or even if I do get the grades, scholarships are so competitive nowadays. I only have my mum and I know that she can't afford to pay for my further studies. What am I gonna do if I can't get a scholarship? :("

- Priya, 17

5. "What if I end up being a total loner?"

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"I was bullied in high school and I'm really scared that the same thing is gonna happen in uni. What if I'm a total outcast? What if no one wants to work with me for group projects? Everyone says that uni is the best time if your life, but what if it's not like that for me?"

- Aiman, 18

6. "I'm worried that I won't live up to my family's expectations"

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"I'm an only child, so all my parents' hopes and dreams are pinned on me. Since I was young, I've been pushed to succeed. Getting good grades was always a must, and I also had to excel in other areas like music and sports. It's been so stressful. I'm scared of messing up and disappointing my parents."

- Ashwini, 15

7. "I don't want to have to live so far away from my family"

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"I live in Kedah and almost everyone I know has chosen to go to KL for uni. I get that there are more options there but I really hate the thought of being so far away from my family. We're really close and I'm gonna miss them so much!"

- Ying, 19

8. "I wanna continue studying but I also wanna get a job to help support my family"

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"My family isn't very well off and I'm the eldest sibling so I feel responsible to step up and help out. My parents say that I don't have to and that I should continue my studies. I do want to, but at the same time, I also want to work and earn money for my family. Idk how I'm gonna do both..."

- Sheng, 16

9. "I feel like I'm not gonna get anywhere in life 'cause everyone is smarter than me"

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"All my life, it seems like everyone is always one step ahead of me. People tell me that I'll learn how to adapt and improve myself as I get older. But what if I never do? What if I'm always going to be behind everyone else? How will I ever get anywhere in life, much less succeed?"

- Ana, 16

We feel you gais :(

The future may sound scary, but it doesn't have to be. What's important is making sure that you're well-prepared to deal with all the challenges adult life will bring.

That preparation starts with choosing the right university to further your studies. There are so many good options out there, so it's important that you find a university that's right for you.

With it's three key pillars of Quality, Accessibility, and Affordability, UNITAR prides itself on being a 'University 4 All'

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Whether you're looking to go into a foundation programme, work towards getting a diploma or degree, or even join a MBA programme, UNITAR offers it all.

They are known for being the first virtual university in Southeast Asia as well as one of the pioneering private universities in Malaysia. They have various faculties and schools such as Business & Technology, Education & Humanities, Culinary Arts, and Foundation.

Here's how UNITAR can help ease some of your fears:

1. Affordability
From discounts on course fees to letting you take their Foundation course for free as long as you have 5 SPM credits, UNITAR lets you get a quality education at a more affordable price. Plus, they also offer all kinds of financial aid options like PTPTN, HRDF, and more.

There's something for everyone. UNITAR helps Muslim students who need zakat aid to approach zakat counters. In addition, asnaf registered with Lembaga Zakat Selangor (LZS) are eligible for 100% zakat aid coverage. Eligible students who are not registered with LZS still qualify for zakat aid.

2. Accessibility
UNITAR's main campus is in Kelana Jaya, but they also have other independent campuses spread throughout Malaysia – Alor Setar, Ipoh, Johor Bahru, Kota Bharu, Kota Kinabalu, Kuala Terengganu, Kuantan, Kuching, Melaka, and Seremban.

They also have flexible study modes, letting you choose between Online, Blended, or Conventional. So whether you need to study from home because you're looking after your family, or if you have a job so you need the flexibility of switching study modes, you can do it all.

Then, there's the Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning (APEL) too, which lets you convert your work experience into paper qualifications to get you into a degree or postgraduate programme.

3. Quality
With UNITAR's five star rating in QS for Teaching, Employability, Accounting & Finance, and Inclusiveness, you'll be getting a world-class education right here in Malaysia.

Their campus is all decked out with amazing sports and recreational facilities. This includes a futsal court, a student recreation area, and a library that has both print and electronic reading materials.

The campus experience is definitely something to look forward to. UNITAR places emphasis on the principle of C.A.R.E. (Collaborative, Adaptive, Reflective, Entrepreneurial), which is embedded and emphasised in every learning activity and session.

This is how UNITAR students become individuals who are professional, have the skills to adapt to any situation, and possess the knowledge to contribute their leadership skills. UNITAR students are also actively involved in various initiatives and projects outside the university.

4. Job Security
All of UNITAR’s programmes are accredited by MQA and KPT, and have high graduate marketability rates, so it'll be easier for you to get a job once you graduate. You can even give your career a jump start while still studying by joining their work-study programme. This programme will improve your time management skills, give you networking opportunities, and enhance your employability.

You'll have your pick of UNITAR's over 120 industry partners to work part-time with. This includes some big names like AirAsia, Microsoft, Maxis, Deloitte, Schlumberger, UNICEF, Mah Sing Group, Jcorp, McDonald's, Sime Darby, Public Bank, FAA, Eastin, MIMOS, and more.

UNITAR truly is a 'University 4 All'! Interested in kickstarting your future there? Find out more by inquiring on their website today. You can even sign up online too.

Intake is now in progress and early birds get a fee waiver! Call 03-7627 7200 or WhatsApp 011-1051 2825 to find out more.

Image via UNITAR

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