
"I Met The Love Of My Life" — M'sians Share Unforgettable Memories From Uni

For these Malaysians, their time in university was life-changing. :')

Cover image via Monash Malaysia (Facebook) & MUSA Monga (Provided to SAYS)

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Ah, university. Most of us didn't know what to expect when we first started out, but it wasn't long before we were able to create memories that would last a lifetime. :D

There's no denying that a university education equips us with the knowledge and skills in our chosen course. However, it also plays an important role in shaping us as individuals, from finding lifelong friends to learning important life lessons.

In collaboration with Monash University, we got a few former Malaysian students to share their most cherished uni memories:

1. "Our lecturers made learning fun. In Robotic Engineering, we had multiple competitions where we had to build structures, vehicles, and machines."

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Image via (Pexels)

"We would then race and compete with other students! The lecturers gave us creative freedom and encouraged us to experiment, fail, learn, and try again. This made learning very fun and we felt proud of what we built.

"Also worth mentioning is our time at the Monash Model  United Nations (UN) Club. Monash didn't have a Model UN club, so we made one! We participated in and won Best Delegation at all the local conferences, and had the privilege of representing Monash at World MUN Conferences in Canada, Australia, and Belgium. We met delegations from all over the world, made friends, and explored the host countries together. We learned so much and it was a blessing. I will cherish those memories forever."

- Azlan

2. "When I spent sleepless nights studying with my friends on campus"

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Image via Vecteezy

"As my degree was very heavy on reading, it was nearly impossible to study alone. I remember during our exams and assignments, we had to do so much research and reading that we spent the entire night in the library just catching up on all the materials. Although we spent most of our time in silence ('cause we're in the library, duh, haha), it's a moment I truly cherish and remember — we knew we were gonna get through this because we had each other's backs."

- Timothy

3. "I had the chance to represent my university in Hokkaido, Japan!"

Image used for illustration purposes only.

Image via Vecteezy

"One of my fondest memories was my time with the Monash University Student Association (MUSA). I helped organise events such as the Monash Amazing Race and Monash MasterChef, which enabled me to meet amazing friends from different schools, and to bring ideas to life! The cherry on top was when Monash sent me to Hokkaido for a conference, representing Monash University Malaysia!

"On top of classes, clubs and societies are a huge part of university life, and I highly encourage students to join at least one. You won't regret it!"

- Charis

4. "I really miss those times when me and my roommates would cook our meals sama-sama for dinnertime"

"Staying in a dorm room together meant that we also made our meals together. I would whip up Indian dishes like chicken curry (thank you, mum!) and my roommates would cook meals such as kerabu instant noodles. One of them even had a sandwich maker, so we could make yummy sandwiches if we were feeling lazy to masak."

- Tasha

5. "My unforgettable uni memory is... meeting the love of my life! <3"

"She was a bubbly junior in Chemical Engineering. I was a quiet boy in Mechanical Engineering. I noticed her, and we became friends because of our shared interests.

"Two years into the workforce, we reconnected. She was interning in Singapore, and I was based in KL. As we shared our aspirations and values, we became closer, and I found the courage to express my feelings to her.

"She came back to KL to complete her final semester, never intending to stay on in Malaysia. I had four months to convince her. And you know what? She stayed!

"The day after our second anniversary, in front of family and friends, I proposed to Merciana, the love of my life, and she said, 'YES!'"

- Nicholas

6. "If I could describe one of my fondest uni memories, it would be the Monash Cup, hands down."

"It is an annual sports event we have at Monash; think the Olympics, but with stressed out, competitive university students. At the end of the Monash Cup, we would have a closing ceremony where the cheerleading competition would happen.

"I was a cheerleader for Opinicus (the yellow house, also the best house — totally not biased here). Hundreds of Monashians would gather and cheer each other on as we put on the show of our lives. All eyes were on us, and that feeling was priceless. The lights shine on you, you see a lecturer or two in the crowd beaming with pride, and when you hit the routine? I'd bottle that feeling up if I could.

"Then of course, the pandemic hit. I spent my last two years competing in virtual Monash Cups. It was fun, yes, but nothing like the real deal.

"See, for me, the Monash Cup was never about winning. What made it so special for me was that we got to meet different people from different schools, and form friendships that would last even after we graduated. It was the feeling of unity and belonging that you felt.

"This year, I got to go back to Monash to see my juniors perform in a crowd, just like I did three years ago. It was just like how I remembered it. Standing there together, we cheered on our juniors and went home with the sorest of throats, but with the biggest smiles! That feeling I felt three years ago came back to me like it never left."

- Qin Rou

Aww, reading all these stories has got us reminiscing about all those good times we had in uni too :')

If you have yet to join university, you can surely look forward to making special memories with friends in an institution of your choice. <3

As you take your time to decide which university you want to attend, you should definitely consider Monash University Malaysia, as it is one of the world's leading international education institutions!

Monash University Malaysia is the third-largest campus of Monash University. Students undergo the same curriculum offered in Australia to obtain top-tier credentials, enabling them to get a first-class international degree very close to home.

The university offers undergraduate as well as postgraduate courses in arts and social sciences, business, engineering, information technology (IT), medicine and health sciences, pharmacy, and science.

Monash University Malaysia has successfully integrated learning with real-world experience, including internships and other forms of 'industry-based education' that enable students to take their careers forward and move into leadership roles, making a difference in the communities where they are employed.

What's also noteworthy is that the institution has recently skyrocketed 13 places to rank 44th globally in the prestigious Times Higher Education (THE) World University Rankings 2023.

As THE World Rankings University takes into account 1,799 universities across 104 countries and regions, universities are ranked based on four areas: teaching, research, knowledge transfer, and international outlook.

Monash University Malaysia President and Pro Vice-Chancellor Professor Matthew Nicholson noted that Monash University is consistently recognised as a world-class university, and these latest ranking results confirm its position as one of the top 50 universities in the world.

Interested to find out more about Monash University? You're in luck, 'cause their Open Day is just around the corner!

You can learn everything you need to know about this private institution. From the university's campus environment to the qualifications required to be admitted into the university, you can ask admissions counselors as well as former students everything you wanna know.

Here are the deets:
Date: 17 December 2022
Time: 11am - 4pm
Location: Monash University Malaysia

Ready to forge ahead and explore all kinds of possibilities with Monash University? Be sure to head over to their upcoming Open Day to find out what they have to offer!

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