
Ever Wished You Could Work From Home Full-Time? These Malaysians Share How They Do It

"Working from home is still working - only in your pajamas."

Cover image via Janisse Wong & Sukhbir Cheema

For those of us who work in offices, being able to work from home full-time seems like the ultimate dream

We'd love to avoid traffic jams, plan our own schedules, and be able to take breaks whenever we want - it sounds like the best kind of working experience ever!

But what is working from home full-time really like? Is it just as we imagine it to be, or are there things about it that we never even considered?

In collaboration with Eco Forest, we talked to Malaysians about what it's like to work from home full-time. Here's what they had to say:

1. "People think that if you work from home you're not ambitious or driven enough. But for me, the upside is that I get to choose when to teach, who I want to teach, and I can be my own boss."

Image via Lucy Loo

"I chose to work from home to have the flexibility to take care of my children who were growing up. If I were to teach piano in a music school, I would have to follow their schedule and deal with the noise from all the other music studios.

But since I work from home, I'm in a comfortable and relaxing atmosphere and I get to make my own schedule. I start teaching at 9am, taking breaks in between until lunchtime, then continue teaching from 2pm to 7pm."

Image via Lucy Loo

"I get to have tea breaks, take a short nap, or go swimming and to the gym in between lessons. I can even do other things like writing music and learning other instruments to enrich myself during my down time at home.

It's not as easy if you want to earn a lot of money teaching piano from home. Most people who want to earn big bucks open music academies to get a lot of students. You will also have less exposure so people may not know about you as much. It's mostly word of mouth. So if you want to work from home, you need to be content and know what your priorities are."

Lucy Loo, Piano Teacher

2. "I get asked 'eh, you no work today ah?' a lot, I think it's because I'm seen with my t-shirts and shorts so often that some of my neighbors secretly think that I'm jobless! I think it takes some getting used to from people."

Image via Sukhbir Cheema

"I'm based in Seremban and have been traveling to work to KL for more than 10 years, which can take about an hour or two, depending on traffic. I started working from home to save on travel and daycare costs, to reduce my carbon footprint, and to be able to better care for my OKU twin.

The best part about working from home is that it has made me a better father and a better teammate at work. I juggle fatherhood and work at the same time so much so I now value time. The necessity to get things done has led me to learn some ways to optimise my time and hone my skills in multitasking."

Image via Sukhbir Cheema

"The only drawback is that at times I can feel like I'm cooped up at home. Furthermore, spending time with a 3-year-old 24/7 is no easy task for any parent. There are days when I need to think out of the box quickly to get work done and manage my 3-year-old (who can be quite a handful).

But I truly value this opportunity to be able to work from home and be right next to my family. I'm always mindful not to abuse this privilege and make sure to give my 100% day in, day out.

While many people love the idea of working from home and often see it as a 'luxury', it's not. Working from home is still working - only in your pajamas. So folks who are given the opportunity to work from home should strive to be more productive than when they're at the office."

Sukhbir Cheema, Writer, Cartoonist, Content Specialist for Mashable SEA, and Co-founder of Eksentrika (a Malaysian arts & humanities website)

3. "The best part of working from home is you can manage your own time and for me, it's definitely a lot less stressful"

Image via MelRomeo

"Live streaming has been my passion since 2012 but I wasn't able to do it properly until I moved to KL because I had bad Internet connection back then lol.

Now, as a full-time streamer for Facebook Gaming, my job scope focuses on being a Video Content Creator, marketing, and managing Lapar Esports, an eSports Club representing some of the best competitive players in Malaysia."

Image via MelRomeo

"Usually I start working at 9am - reading and doing research on how to improve my video content. Then in the afternoon, I do my Video on Demand content for YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram. I make sure to start streaming at 8pm every day!

I believe that setting your goals, commitment, and dedication are required in order to start working from home. My biggest challenge is with my social life, because I rarely get to meet other people in my daily life. But honestly, it's all about balance, which is why I take Wednesdays to just chill and hang out with my fellow gamer buddies."

MelRomeo, Streamer for Facebook Gaming

4. "Mondays and Thursdays are for errands such as meeting clients and suppliers and doing product shoots. Weekends are for drawing and designing. Other than that, I'm usually just putting things together."

Image via Janisse Wong

"I'm an artisan jewellery maker, so I mostly make custom pieces and commission items based on my clients' needs. As more and more orders came in, it was a total no-brainer for me to work from home full-time. Thankfully my house is big enough for a home workshop, so now I'm able to keep everything I need close-by and save costs.

The best part is that I'm able to have my dog Peanut's company throughout the day while I work. Sometimes my friends think that I'm doing nothing or living the life but working from home takes a lot of effort too, especially to keep yourself motivated."

Image via Janisse Wong

"Even something as simple as putting on some makeup and decent clothes (instead of just pyjamas haha) can go a long way. You have to be very disciplined with your schedule and goals because only your love and passion for what you do will sustain you. I set deadlines and schedule things at least a month in advance."

Janisse Wong, Jewellery Artisan & Designer, Founder of Herreria Atelier

5. "I’ve always dreamed of working from home or being a full digital nomad. Now that I am self-employed I can dictate the terms of my work arrangement."

Image via Khai Yong

"Currently, I run my own Digital Marketing consultancy and training business called Growth PJ. I mostly consult clients on Search Engine Optimization, Web Analytics, and Digital Advertising. Occasionally, I organize 1-day workshops and speak at events.

I find that having absolute silence is what helps me focus best so I can be super productive if there are no neighbours renovating/fixing their house. Also, coffee is a must! Plus, no need to get stuck in traffic jams anymore! But sometimes, it can be harder to unwind from work because it’s difficult to draw the line between home and home office."

Image via Khai Yong

"The biggest misconception is probably from my parents. They think I’m always at home and have free time :D Still, I love them to bits and now I have more freedom to spend time with them."

Khai Yong, Solo Entrepreneur, Founder of Growth PJ

For those who work from home, their surrounding environment is definitely an important factor in keeping them productive and motivated throughout the day

Everyone is different - some want absolute silence, some prefer to work from the comfort of their beds, and some love being surrounded by their pets or families. It's up to you to make your home the ideal working environment that suits your needs.

Looking for that perfect place? Check out #MyErgoHomes @ Eco Forest by EcoWorld, a brand new type of housing that specifically caters to those working from home!

The ErgoHomes are a new concept of freehold, gated and guarded, double-storey landed properties located at the latest phase of Eco Forest called Hazelton

At prices starting from RM500K onwards, the ErgoHomes are an affordable option for landed properties, especially if you're looking for a starter home. It's low density and there are only limited units available.

Image via Eco Forest

What makes the ErgoHomes concept unique is the way the homes are grouped together. Unlike traditional terrace houses, ErgoHomes are positioned in clusters of only four units in an L-shaped formation, making each home a corner unit with its own private garden. This one-of-a-kind layout is a first in Malaysia.

The addition of the Passion Area truly levels up the ErgoHomes and makes it ideal for those working from home. It's up to you to transform this area into whatever you need, whether it be a workshop, a music room, or even a home office. Even if you don't work from home, this area can be somewhere for you to keep your passion alive and not forget about your hobbies.

Image via Eco Forest

The entire ErgoHomes village is surrounded by a communal garden easily accessible via the private gardens of all units. 

The beauty of the communal gardens is that they encourage neighbourhood interaction and are also perfect for taking OOTD photos, product shots, or any other photoshoots your job or hobby may require. 

You can also choose to work there for a change of pace and scenery.

Image via Eco Forest

Plus, each unit gets their own 15 ft x 15 ft private garden where you can do all kinds of things with your friends and family. Install a dipping pool or a barbecue pit, plant your favourite flowers, cultivate your own herb garden...the possibilities are endless.

Image via Eco Forest

You'll never have to worry about feeling cramped and stuffy, the ErgoHomes are spacious and have lots of windows, bringing in plenty of natural light and cooling breezes. Moreover, all the windows are facing beautiful landscape and gardens, creating a real-life painting that evolves with the varying lighting throughout the day.

Besides the ErgoHomes, Eco Forest is also home to some lovely Garden Homes

Image via Eco Forest

These make an excellent option for those who prefer more space. At 30 ft x 65 ft in size, not only is the interior of the Garden Homes bigger, you'll also be able to fit up to three cars in the parking space right in front of your home.

With ErgoHomes, you'll be able experience the warmth of communal living while you indulge in your passions and enjoy life to the fullest

Only 57 units of ErgoHomes are available. Act now to enjoy this one-of-a-kind concept of home that lets you live your life exactly the way you like.

Show units are now ready for viewing, Visit the gallery today for a first-hand look and to register now enjoy early bird privilege.

Click here for more information or WhatsApp to get in contact now!

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