
Revisit These Classic McD Ads That Went Viral Every Chinese New Year

This year's short film is called 'The Middle Child'.

Cover image via McDonaldsMalaysia (YouTube)

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2018: Golden Prosperity

Welcome the new year with the Golden Prosperity Burger — with auspicious wishes sharing joy, love, cheer, affection, family togetherness — that is the true meaning of prosperity.

2019: You're my Prosperity

Two strangers of different backgrounds go back to their respective hometowns and discover that what they already have is all they needed. What makes celebrations truly prosperous is not lavish gifts or monetary wealth. It is our loved ones, those we go home to.

2021: 8 Signs CNY is Near & Best CNY Ad 2021

8 Signs CNY is Near
Everyone knows CNY is near when there's red everywhere and the Prosperity Burger ads are back. From giving out ang pows to strategically planning how to answer questions on when one's getting married, JinnyBoy and his family are sure to have a great time during CNY together.

Best CNY Ad 2021
As Jenn and Jon indulge in the deliciousness of the Golden Prosperity Burger, they can't help but feel and look golden, literally.

2022: The Best Hairdresser Mum

A hairdresser mum has been doing her daughter's hair throughout her life, but after being laughed at, the daughter asks her mother to stop. After years of not coming to the salon, the daughter asks her mum to give her a special hairdo, and that's when she realises that some traditions must go on to stay close to our loved ones.

2023: Grandpa's Biggest CNY Wish

A misunderstanding between a mother and child is resolved with Grandpa's help, teaching them that the true meaning of prosperity is learning to accept each other's differences and loving each other for who we are.

As for 2024, McDonald's released their festive film, The Middle Child, in two parts

In part one, we meet Jade, a middle child who has never had a strong desire for anything. That is, until a jade bracelet comes along. As Jade tries to win the bracelet, a slight mishap causes everything to fall apart. How will the mother-daughter pair fix their relationship?

In part two, Mom sees the work Jade has put in, but is being held back by family tradition. As they open up to one another, they realise their love goes beyond the jade bracelet. Through this confrontation, Jade comes to understand the true meaning of prosperity — love is not always clear, but it is always near.

Every year, McDonald's Malaysia celebrates Chinese New Year with their annual Prosperity campaign

Besides bringing back crowd-favourites like the Prosperity Burger and Twister Fries during the festive period, McDonald's also always launches a Chinese New Year short film.

All this is part of their aim to show the 'True Meaning of Prosperity' — a gentle reminder that its not about wealth or material possessions, but about the cherished relationships we share with our loved ones.

That's why McD's CNY films aren't just about the festival; they're about our shared experiences and traditions, serving as a reminder to appreciate the meaningful connections that make prosperity truly special.

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