
Nandini Makes Super Simple Payasam For Raya & Father's Day

Impress your guests with this yummy dessert!

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Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri Maaf Zahir & Batin, guys! Setelah sebulan berpuasa (not me lah), Syawal is finally here!

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So, I wanted to switch it up and keep this week's episode lighthearted sikit.

That, to me, always translates into food! :D

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And then I realised that it's also the Father's Day weekend — perfect opportunity to masak-masak and teach you guys how to make the simplest version of my dad's favourite South Indian dessert, Javvarisi Payasam.

I invited a special guest, the creator of Seismik Makan and my favourite chef, Julie Mokhtar, to make sure I don't burn the kitchen down in my efforts to masak. Here's how it went:

Okay, that was a joke. I can cook lah. Anyway, here's the list of ingredients and the preparation method for making payasam:

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- 1 teaspoon ghee
- 25 gram cashews
- 25 gram raisins
- 100 gram sago
- 1 litre water
- 500 millilitre milk
- 200 gram sugar
- 1 teaspoon powdered green cardamom


1. Heat a pan, add some ghee, and sauté the cashews and raisins until golden brown. Set aside. Make sure the flame is not too high ah, later terbakar.

2. Bring water to a boil in a pot and add the sago pearls. Reduce the heat and keep stirring it to avoid ending up with a gooey mess. You'll know that it's cooked once the sago turns translucent.

3. Add milk and cardamom powder to the cooked sago. Bring the mixture to a boil and add desired amount of sugar (I like adding a tiny bit of condensed milk ❤).

4. Garnish with sautéed cashews and raisins.

5. Makanlah, ape lagi! 

Payasam is a super easy-to-make dessert, so you guys can even buat during Raya kalau ada last-minute guests! Cubalah! ;)

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More videos in my exaggerated Indian/Malaysian accent:

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