
Malaysians Who Are #TooBusy For Themselves, Know What It's Like To...

The struggle is real!

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1. Hate this ONE BIRD that wakes you up two hours too early everyday of your hectic week

YOU KNOW THIS BIRD! 7am. Without fail.P.S. It’s called the Koel bird, or burung Sewah Tahu. Tag your friends!Like SAYS for more fun stuff like this! :D

Posted by SAYS on Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Because it wakes you up way before your alarm rings, making you lose out on precious extra sleep UGH WHYYYY?!

2. Wish you could beat that horrible jam by hopping onto a bike. Or flying. Yeah, definitely flying.

Image via MILO Malaysia

Watching all those motorcycles zipping through traffic while you're stuck at a complete standstill contemplating how behind schedule you now are is pure torture T__T

3. Discover that the printer is out of toner JUST before you need to submit that 20 page report

It's like the printer just plots and waits for you to be at your busiest before going bonkers and flashing all kinds of error messages at you. If you had a dollar for every time you saw low toner, paper tray empty, document not aligned, or paper jam detected, you'd be so rich that you wouldn't even need to work in the first place!

4. Have to eat lunch at your desk, WHILE STILL TYPING

Image via Reddit

Lunch breaks are a fond distant memory...

5. Finally take a quick power nap after burning the midnight oil, only to be caught by your colleagues

Image via Funny Pica

Fingers crossed they don't tell your boss! #kantoi

6. Daydream about cloning yourself (yeah, you've even Googled that before)

Image via MILO Malaysia

Just think of how much you could get done with two of you! Or one of you could focus on work related stuff while the other you just spends the day lepak-ing. Sadly technology isn't that advanced yet :(

7. FFK your friends at the last minute :(

Image via BuzzFeed

But it's okay, they'll probably do the same to you at some point or other because everyone's schedules are equally packed.

8. Pull out your laptop anytime, ANYWHERE (and use your phone's hotspot for Internet)

Image via BuzzFeed

Can't even tengok bola in peace :(

9. Lie in bed and drift off to sleep only to realise that ONE THING you forgot to do

Image via Tumblr

And then spend two more hours getting it done while everyone else is fast asleep. Maybe you'll catch up on sleep tomorrow. :'(

10. Wish that there were more than 24 hours in a day

Image via Loading Artist

There's just not enough time to get everything done okay?!

No time for yourself? It's okay, you're not alone. #grouphug

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Even if your life is pretty much one big to-do list, taking the time to ensure that you have a wholesome breakfast is essential

MILO Own The Day Webfilm

Have you ever dreaded to get out of bed because of the amount of workload, tasks and chores ahead? See how MILO can help you OWN THE DAY with the video below!

Posted by MILO Malaysia on Sunday, March 27, 2016

Add the good old Malaysian favourite MILO to your breakfast menu to kickstart the day and you're sure to have more than enough energy to get you through!

And here's a #lifehack for those with a particularly busy lifestyle: MILO 3-in-1's got you covered for a quick and convenient breakfast on-the-go (in addition to some food of course) that will sustain you throughout the day and leave you with plenty of time to get stuff done. :)

Grab some yummy life-saving breakfast hacks here:

Try these when you need a sweet pick-me-up:

Do you dare try this crazy combo? #onlyinmalaysia