
[VIDEO] This Olympics 2014 Ad Shows You The REAL WINNERS Behind Every Great Athlete

Olympic athletes not only represent their countries, they also represent their families.

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Last year, consumer goods giant P&G saw the potential in this idea, and created the “Thank You, Mum” campaign for the 2012 London Olympics

The commercial “Best Job” offered a poignant look at how the mothers of Olympic athletes assisted their children every step of the way from childhood to greatness. It became a hit among consumers and critics alike.

This year, the consumer packaged goods giant is has introduced a sequel to that ad for the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia

Like the previous ad, this one shows moms helping their young athletes go to practices, absorb disappointments and, of course, get back up again to compete.

In both ads, the kids also get older through the ad and culminate with them competing in the games.

The new spot focuses on the physical transitions of childhood, from just learning how to walk to going on to ice skate, snowboard and play hockey—all with mom's watchful eye there to dust off and make better any bruises

While the London ad (called "The Best Job") started with kids around 6 years old or so, the Sochi ad ("Pick Them Back Up") begins with 1-year-olds just learning to walk.

Despite focusing on a quartet of icy winter sports, the new spot, "Pick Them Back Up," is as warm and fuzzy as it gets

The video follows four future athletes—a skier, ice skater, snowboarder and hockey player—from their first (not so successful) baby steps to their Olympic debuts.

But the ad isn't really about the athletes, of course

It's about the dedicated moms who were there to pick them up when they fell (which is quite a lot), ice their bruises and warm their freezing toes—and send them back out to try again.

Image via Deseret

As part of the campaign, P&G is sending $US1,000 Visa gift cards to each of the 357 Olympic athletes’ mums, intended to help them travel to Sochi.

The video description states, "For teaching us that falling only makes us stronger. For giving us the encouragement to try again. Thank you, Mom." WATCH the tear-jerking ad, here:

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Whether or not you've ever actually been a parent, it's pretty hard not to get a little misty about "Pick Them Back Up."

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