
This Heartfelt CNY Film Shows How Abundance Is Not Only About Material Wealth

Whether it's an abundance of joy, love, or celebration, it all comes from one simple act. <3

Cover image via Perodua (YouTube)

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This Spotlight is sponsored by Perodua. 

When it comes to greeting our relatives and friends during Chinese New Year, one of the most common greetings is to wish them endless abundance and prosperity, kan?

While the greeting usually carries the meaning of hoping that one is blessed with wealth, there's also a more poignant meaning to it. Abundance can be achieved in many ways to make the festivities more meaningful and beneficial to everyone in the community.

This festive season, Perodua released a short, heartwarming film that introduces a few good habits to bring abundance this CNY through the story of a pomelo

Filmed on a pomelo farm in Tambun, Perak, the short film captures the essence of a kampung that flourishes through good deeds practised in the community. It carries the key message that good habits plant seeds of great abundance. <3

Watch the lighthearted video below:

One good habit to bring abundance is sustainability. Whether through farming practices or utilising every single part of the pomelos to avoid wastage, being sustainable promises an abundant future for many generations.

Narrator: "To have an abundance of something is to have more than what you need. But to ensure this continues, we must care for what's around us." 

Abundance can also be achieved by sharing pomelos, a.k.a. our blessings, with our neighbours, friends, and community. Not only does it bring joy to more people, it also fosters greater relationships that are harmonious and prosperous. <3

Narrator: "With more for everyone, we must never forget to keep sharing when we have aplenty."

Another way to bring abundance is by growing our own food and supporting community initiatives. Acts such as planting pomelo seeds after eating the fruit can reduce our impact on the environment in the long run.

Narrator: "This is how a brighter future springs forth."

All in all, Perodua shares that by practising these good habits, you will gain abundance that is beyond material gains

These good habits bring abundant happiness, good relations, and a sustainable planet that everyone can enjoy for years to come. After all, as mentioned earlier, good habits truly plant seeds of great abundance. <3

Perodua wishes all Malaysians a Happy Chinese New Year! Gong Xi Fa Cai!

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