
Malaysians Share Their Self-Love Tips To Become Healthier Without Compromising On Life

A small change can make a big difference!

Cover image via Ummy Zamri & Farizah Zahid

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This Spotlight is sponsored by Proviton Multivitamins.

The idea of becoming healthier is always on the back of our minds, but how often do we take steps to "love ourselves and love our health"?

Whether it's eating at regular times, ensuring our body gets essential nutrients, or staying active, all these forms of self-care or self-love are ways that we can love our health.

We asked a few Malaysians what they did to "love themselves and love their health" more, and here's what they said:

1. "I don't force myself to do extreme diets. Instead, I opt for more sustainable eating habits."

Image via Farizah Zahid

"I used to believe that achieving my health goals meant following extreme diets and restrictive eating plans. However, I've since changed my approach and now focus on practicing more sustainable, balanced dietary habits like the famous 'Suku-Suku Separuh'.

"Instead of forcing myself into harsh diets that left me feeling deprived and frustrated, I've adopted a more sustainable and enjoyable way of eating. I always look at food labels and choose the healthiest option. This shift has transformed my overall wellbeing and relationship with food.

"Overall, this journey has taught me that sustainable dietary habits are key to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. I feel more energised, happier, and at peace with my food choices. It's a positive change that I plan to stick with for life."

- Farizah Zahid, 28 years old

2. "I embraced a new form of self-love, which included paying attention to what I eat every day"

Image via Azida Othman

"As someone with a full-time job, finding time to cook for myself every day is nearly impossible. There is always something more important to do, and I find it stressful to plan my meal prep every week.

"Now, my go-to strategy is the healthy plate method or 'Suku, Suku, Separuh'. I cut my rice portion when eating nasi lemak; I add eggs when there is not enough protein in my meal. And when I'm at mamak restaurants with my friends, I choose the healthier option, like a plain teh o ais instead of my usual teh tarik.

"I love how empowered and in control I feel about my health! Plus, it's been fun discovering new restaurants that offer nutritious options."

- Azida Othman, 29 years old

3. "Tracking my calorie and workouts has helped me stay healthy, happy, and in tune with myself every day"

Image via Nur Shakirah

"For me, self-love is about being mindful of what I put into my body. Using a calorie tracker and fitness apps has been incredibly helpful in tracking my food intake and workouts. I still indulge in my favourite treats but in moderation, which keeps me on track with my health goals. By not exceeding my daily calorie intake, I feel healthier and more energetic.

"This balanced approach has taught me that I can enjoy all foods while maintaining a healthy lifestyle. It's a journey of mindfulness and self-compassion that has made a significant impact on my life."

- Nur Shakirah, 31 years old

4. "I love myself by being mindful about my health and body mass index (BMI)"

Image via Ummy Zamri

"I've come to realise that truly loving myself means being mindful about my health. This mindset shift has transformed my approach to self-care and wellness. I've started listening more closely to what my body tells me, whether it's about needing rest, drinking enough water, eating healthy food, or staying active.

"I also regularly calculate my BMI, which allows me to gain valuable insights into my health and learn how to maintain a healthy balance. It also helps me set realistic goals, tracking my progress without obsessing over the numbers.

"This mindful approach to health has brought a sense of balance and peace to my life. I no longer feel pressured to follow extreme diets or punishing workout regimens. Instead, I focus on what makes me feel vibrant and healthy in a sustainable way.

"Loving myself through mindful health practices has been an empowering journey. It has taught me that true self-love isn't about perfection, but about care, respect, and compassion for my own wellbeing."

- Ummy Zamri, 29 years old

Trying to live a healthier lifestyle doesn't have to be a huge hurdle

For some, it could be taking the train to work instead of driving, so you can get your step counts in for the day. For others, it could simply mean choosing healthier food options when going out for a meal.

Image via SAYS

Eating healthy ensures that we get all the nutrients we need, which plays a role in keeping our bodies healthy. For instance, vitamin B supports our metabolism and energy production, so a lack of it could cause us to feel tired easily and be unable to focus. In this case, eating dark green vegetables and beans that are high in vitamin B could be beneficial.

Whether it's being active or eating better, a healthy lifestyle is attainable as long as you set your mind to it. And the good thing is that being healthy will result in you feeling better as well!

In addition to the nutrients you get from your meals, you can also take supplements such as Proviton Multivitamins for an added boost

Image via SAYS

Proviton Multivitamins are specifically formulated with 23 essential vitamins and minerals, added with Panax Ginseng to complement the lifestyle and eating habits of Malaysians.

The multivitamins provide the vital nutrients that our bodies require, but may be lacking in our daily diets. Moreover, even with a balanced diet, individuals may still experience nutritional gaps, which Proviton Multivitamins aim to fill by providing the necessary vitamins and minerals in a convenient supplement form.

Proviton Multivitamins are made with pharma-grade ingredients in a GMP-certified plant, and are certified halal by JAKIM.

What's cool is that Proviton is partnering with Health Lane Family Pharmacy to encourage Malaysians to take the Provitons Multiviamins "Self-Love" Pledge

Image via SAYS

Anyone who pledges at Health Lane Family Pharmacy will receive a one-month supply of Proviton Multivitamins. It's that easy!

Find out more about Proviton Multivitamins at Health Lane Family Pharmacy and join the "Proviton Multivitamins Love Yourself, Love Your Health" movement today by pledging to nourish your body with the right nutrients

Head over to your nearest Health Lane Family Pharmacy today to find out more!

The information provided is for educational and communication purposes only and it should not be construed as personal medical advice. Information published in this article is not intended to replace, supplant or augment a consultation with a health professional regarding the reader’s own medical care.

KKLIU Number: KKLIU 1714 / EXP 31.12.2026

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