
You Need To Check Out This Unique Symphony, Composed Based On Faces Of Everyday Malaysians

Every face contributed to a unique melody.

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Every Malaysia Day, people from different races and backgrounds come together to celebrate as one

Image via Expat Go

And it is always heartwarming to see Malaysians putting on their traditional costumes and displaying a vibrant, colourful picture of Malaysia.

But have you ever wondered, if Malaysia had a tune, what would it sound like?

Image via Unsplash

If each Malaysian were a note or melody, what would we sound like when we were played together? Perhaps you would imagine us to sound like a heavy metal band, maybe a jazz trio, or even a hip-hop rap with a lot of cool dance beats in between.

CIMB set out on a project called 'Sound Of A Nation'—combining technology and musical artistry to discover Malaysia's true song

Image via Malaysian-Lah

First, CIMB got Malaysians to submit their selfies online, and used facial recognition to plot out unique sets of "points" based on their faces

Image via Hacker Noon

Every Malaysian is unique in his or her own way. That's why CIMB wanted to capture that essence and turn it into something tangible, or in this case, something audible. Once Malaysians had submitted their selfies online, their "facial points" became the foundation for 'Sound of a Nation'.

These points were then plotted into a musical bar, with each individual person contributing a unique melody to the song

Image via CIMB

CIMB collected the different melodies of Malaysians from different ethnicities, ages, and backgrounds. And these melodies were combined and composed into one epic piece of music, a reflection of the unity that defines Malaysia.

To bring this project to life, CIMB brought together some of Malaysia's most renowned musical talents, like Sean Ghazi and Aubrey Suwito

Image via CIMB

Sean Ghazi, Malaysian actor, singer, and dancer was the executive director for 'Sound Of A Nation'. He says that Malaysia is a country with amazing richness, whether it's ethnically, culturally, or even in the food we eat, and that's what he wanted to capture with the entire song.

Along with prolific songwriter and composer, Aubrey Suwito, he collaborated with a team of multi-ethnic musicians to perform this orchestral piece. According to Sean, it was a rewarding experience, especially seeing this unique picture of Malaysia being brought to life through music.

"The orchestra illustrates people from all walks of life coming together to make art, to make life, to make a nation... We are all the same walaupun different. And when we do it together, and do it well, it’s as beautiful as a symphony."

The symphony features talented local musicians from a variety of ethnic backgrounds and ages, bringing a true representation of Malaysia as one big family

Image via CIMB

Sean and Aubrey also managed to bring some of Malaysia's top musicians on board this project, such as Mohar (renowned Malay flautist), Fly Halizor (bassist), Nish Tham (keyboardist), and Aji (guitarist). They also wanted to twist expectations by featuring up-and-coming female artists like Anis Kalisa (guitarist) and Kim Herrin (drums).

The orchestra, on the other hand, was represented by Malaysian talents from as young as an 8-year-old Chinese cellist, to a veteran 57-year-old Malay violinist. There were also a pair of Indian twin sisters and a Sabahan clarinettist, a truly diverse group of Malaysians.

After all this anticipation, it's time to put your headphones on, turn the volume up, and brace yourself for 'Sound of a Nation'

Within each of us there's a melody, and together we become a symphony

Image via The Sun Daily

That's what makes Malaysia such a beautiful place. And there is nowhere we'd rather call home than our beloved Malaysia.

Share 'Sound of a Nation' with all your friends and family as we celebrate this Malaysia Day

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