
[SURVEY] What Do Malaysians Think About Landed Property In 2024? Help Us Find Out!

Do you prefer a flexible layout interior or a bigger garden?

Cover image via Gamuda Land

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The real estate landscape is evolving, and so are Malaysians’ preferences

Image via Gamuda Land

When it comes to landed properties, some prefer homes that offer privacy and space, while others appreciate good location and the convenience of amenities around the area.

Regardless of these preferences, buying a property is not just about having a roof over your head – it's about finding a place that complements your lifestyle and makes you feel at home.

To get an idea on what features Malaysian homebuyers want in their home, we're running a simple survey:

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Ultimately, Gamuda Land wants to build homes that stand the test of time, and your answers will help shape the homes of tomorrow!

P.S. Stay tuned as we bring you the results of what Malaysian homeowners actually think about landed property in 2024!

Also, you stand a chance to win two tickets to SplashMania WaterPark @ Gamuda Cove, so keep your eyes peeled.

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