
These Luxurious Masks Are Less Than RM9 Each And Are Perfect For A Group Spa Session

Pamper yourself and your loved ones.

Cover image via Kila & Tamara Jayne/SAYS

I admit, when it comes to picking the right face mask for my skin, I usually just select whatever is on sale and looks the most "hydrating"

If it's being sold and the name is 'sort of' popular then it should work, right? Not always. 

'Cheap' masks that we see in stores tend to be loaded with chemicals and fragrances that can do more harm than good for your skin.

Image via Odyssey

It all comes down to the ingredients – the fewer preservatives and fragrances, the better.

I recently tested out sheet masks by a Hong Kong-based brand called Kila and here's what I thought.

Their products have no preservatives, fragrances, or alcohol, which are usually added to other sheet masks to prolong their shelf life.

This is a huge plus point because it felt like the focus was on the quality of the mask itself compared to just making it "smell good".

It also makes them a good option for people with sensitive skin or expectant mothers. 

Image via Kila

Each of their masks serves a different purpose, so you can get them according to your skin's needs

There are three types:

- Binchotan Charcoal Facial Cleansing Black Mask, which purely helps to minimise large pores, deep cleanse, and maintain its ratio of water to oil in your skin.

- Herbal Hyaluronic Acid Concentrate Mask, which gives your skin plenty of moisture.

- Yeast Extract Herbal Revitalizing Mask has an anti-aging serum added into its ingredients, which can help to lighten dark spots and treat hyperpigmentation and uneven skin tone.

Great 'pick-me-up' after a long day of work!

Image via Kila

So how did it fare compared to other sheet masks I've used before?

While most masks tend to dry up very quickly on my face, the moisture from the Kila mask lasted a really long time.

It is recommended to leave it on for five to 20 minutes. After leaving mine on for 20 minutes, it felt like my face had absorbed the moisture yet there was still a lot of essence left on the mask.

Unlike other 'cheap' masks, it didn't feel like the moisture was just sitting on my face but had been absorbed by my skin. In fact, it felt hydrated enough the next morning that I even skipped my usual moisturising routine.

After trying all three of the mask types, my favourite was the Binchotan Charcoal Facial Cleansing Black Mask.

It felt really minty and cooling. And having woken up at 4am that day, it was the perfect 'pick-me-up' after a long day of work!

Image via Kila

The masks are pretty affordable considering how luxurious they felt on my skin.

Each box contains five sheets and is priced at RM42. That makes each sheet cost only RM8.40.

Image via Kila

And if you get a set of three boxes, it's even cheaper at only RM108.

If you place an order from now 'til 25 December, you will receive it wrapped in their special Christmas packaging - the perfect gift for loved ones!

You can check them out here.

Image via Kila

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Image via SAYS

Pamper yourself or your loved ones this Christmas:

Or treat them to a relaxing massage:

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