
7 Everyday Things You Probably Didn't Know Are Illegal In Malaysia

Crossing road also illegal ah? :O

Cover image via Singapore The Fine City & Jonas Leupe (Unsplash)

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1. Playing music at your special occasions

Be it a wedding reception or birthday party, no event is complete without some music and dancing. 

However, it is actually considered a breach of copyright when you play music in restaurants, clubs, hotels, or shops without a Music Authors Copyright Protection (MACP) license. This also includes songs played from platforms like Spotify and YouTube Music as they are for personal use only.

While some of these venues pay for an annual license to allow music to be played legally, you should always double check regarding music regulations, so you can enjoy a worry-free day with your loved ones. The last thing you want is to be handed a hefty summon just for playing your favourite tunes. 

2. Jaywalking

Jaywalking is the act of crossing a road with oncoming traffic by not using overhead bridges or zebra crossings. 

Just like other countries, this act is strictly prohibited here and can land you a fine up to RM500.

Rather than taking the easy way out, just put in the extra time to walk a little further and use the facilities provided  — you'll be safer too!

3. Singing indecent songs in a public environment

Whether it's going for a walk or cycling through your neighborhood with your headphones, it's totally normal to start singing your heart out when you're feeling the vibe of a song.

But in Malaysia, singing obscene songs like Wiggle by Jason Derulo or S&M by Rihanna could actually get you fined, or even jailed for up to 3 months! Check out this list of censored or banned songs in Malaysia.

This regulation also applies to people who busk on the streets — they're not allowed to play obscene song covers and require a proper permit to perform.

4. Bathing your furry friend in public

It's almost impossible to discipline animals to not get dirty when they're in an open space. Their favourite hobby is probably making or being in a mess. 

Unfortunately, in Malaysia, bathing your pet in public areas, such as the park or beach, is not allowed. This means that even if your pet gets all dirty after rolling around in the mud or sand, you can't hose them off at the public area itself. Instead, you'll have to clean them up at home. 

If you get caught giving your pet a bath at a public area, you could get fined up to RM100. Hence, our best advice would be to keep your pets on a leash at all times in public areas, and pack some towels or wet wipes to remove at least some of the dirt on their body. 

5. Riding an elephant or horse on the road

In Thailand, it is very common to see elephants walking down the streets, as it's a sign of good luck to shop owners when greeted by this holy animal. But, in Malaysia, riding an elephant or horse down public streets is illegal.

A fine of up to RM50 can be imposed on whoever rides or leads elephants and horses along the roads of Malaysia. This law is enforced to make sure that the animals don't cause dangerous situations or obstruct traffic. 

6. Accepting food or drinks before, during, or after voting

Image via AFP (BBC)

From waiting in line for hours to the process of actually casting our votes, we all know that elections can be tiresome, which may result in us getting hungry and thirsty.

If you see people giving out free drinks or food during these times, be mindful that accepting them is actually forbidden as it can be taken as intent to influence voters.

It may be hard to resist but you run the risk being imprisoned for two years, receiving a fine of RM5,000 or getting your right to vote suspended for up to five years. Instead, bring along some tidbits or drinks with you on that day. 

7. Streaming movies or shows from an Android box

Did you know that having an Android box is actually illegal? Well, the device itself isn't illegal, but when you stream the unpaid channels, shows, and movies that come with it, you're actually committing a crime. 

What this means is that by not tuning in to proper platforms, you are causing those actors, actresses, directors, and their production company to lose income.

On the other hand, proper streaming or pay-per-use platforms properly support the entertainment industry, ensuring we don't run out of good content to enjoy. 

So, if you do own an Android box, be sure to subscribe or buy content from legal platforms to avoid being in deep trouble later down the road. 

With Astro, you can rest assured that your streaming is not only legal, but also supports the entertainment industry.

With plenty of channels to choose from among various genres and languages, you can watch all your favourite shows in one place.

Bonus tip: If you're a local business owner, AstroBIZ is offering bundle plans for content and fibre Internet from as low as RM473/month.

Now, you can customise your Astro subscription from a wide range of international and local content, to exclusive live sporting events, all in full HD! The best part is that you'll get to provide your customers with content they'll enjoy, and it's 100% legal and worry-free.

That's not all, the bundle plan includes fibre Internet as well, ensuring that you can stay connected continuously, which means your Astro viewing will not be disrupted even if it's raining.

And if you think about it, you're getting the best of both worlds from as low as RM15.80 per day! :D

Wanna find out more? Check out Astro's website to learn more about their offers for businesses, as well as for everyday entertainment!

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