
This Comic Artist Perfectly Describes How We Feel About Living In Malaysia

He draws inspiration from his daily life.

Cover image via Nixon Siow

Have you ever wanted to enjoy watching a beautiful sunset on the beach, only to have a big, big cloud block your view of the sun?

Image via Nixon Siow

Malaysian cartoonist, Nixon Siow, knows exactly how that feels like and created a comic series out of it, named "Hey Cloud!"

Image via Nixon Siow
Image via Nixon Siow

Nixon Siow is well known for creating comics that are relatable to every Malaysian

Image via Vulcan Post

He finds inspiration from either talking to his friends, sketching, observing things in his daily life, or incidents that have happened to him.

Image via Nixon Siow
Image via Nixon Siow

Nixon started drawing at 10 years old after being inspired by comics such as Doraemon, 3M paper (3M报), and Old Master Q (老夫子)

Nixon saw his classmates paying attention to those four-panel comics, and decided to put his own spin to it. He usually gets his ideas from the Old Master Q comics.

Nixon also comes up with new content once or twice every week, and if he gets enough ideas, everyday!

Image via Nixon Siow

All Nixon ever wanted to do was to bring joy to people's lives with his comics

Image via Nixon Siow

In an interview with SAYS, Nixon said he tries to make his comics as easy to understand as possible while retaining the humour in them. 

"I like people laugh(ing) out loud when (they are) reading my comics," he added.

His success in doing that is undeniable. According to Vulcan Post, Nixon saw his fanbase grow rapidly on his page once he put his work on Facebook - over 1,000 fans in just a week! To date, Nixon has almost 44,000 fans on Facebook alone.

You can check out Nixon's work on his Facebook and Instagram pages!

Image via Nixon Siow

Speaking of talented Malaysians, here's some of them for you to check out:

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