
Top 7 Fuel-Saving Tips That Actually Make A Difference

We did our research and present you the 7 tips that will actually make a difference. Practice it!

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1. Stop driving like a maniac

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According to, moderate driving styles saves up to 37% and has an average savings of 31%, in comparison to aggressive driving.

2. Don't leave the your vehicle idle and running for too long

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Avoiding excessive idling can save up to 19% of fuel. If you're stopping longer than a minute, shut your car down.

3. Use cruise control if you have it (except in mountainous areas)

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Using cruise control saves up to 14% (average savings of 7%). If you're in a mountainous area, turn off cruise; it'll try to keep you up to the speed you've set & use extra gas downshifting to lower gears.

4. Service your vehicle regularly

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Proper maintenance avoids poor fuel economy related to dirty air filters, old spark plugs or low fluid levels.

5. Spring clean your car

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Periodically go through your car and see what can be tossed out. It doesn't take much to acquire an extra 20kgs or 25kgs of stuff - the more weight your car has to lug around, the more fuel it burns.

6. Check your tyre pressure

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Properly inflated tyres are less likely to fail at high speeds. They wear more evenly and, yes, they deliver better gas mileage. (It is recommended you do your own tests to see what inflation gives you the best fuel economy).

7. Keep your windows and sunroofs closed

Reducing drag gives increased mileage.

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