
[VIDEO] FGV Holdings Pays Heartfelt Tribute To Malaysia's Pioneers In This Short Film

They hope Malaysians will keep exploring, making our nation stronger on the global stage.

Cover image via FGV Holding Berhad (YouTube)

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This Spotlight is sponsored by FGV Holdings Berhad.

In celebration of Malaysia's 67th Hari Kebangsaan and Malaysia Day, FGV Holdings Berhad (FGV) presents a powerful short film celebrating the spirit of exploration that has shaped our nation

The short film serves as a tribute to the unsung heroes who have 'explored' in their own unique ways, contributing to Malaysia's progress. With the key message to 'Keep Exploring', the film isn't just a journey through Malaysia's history but a reminder of the importance of continuing to chart new grounds to build a brighter future.

While some of these explorers have become textbook figures and achieved great heights, there are also unsung heroes like FELDA settlers and smallholders, who have been quiet but instrumental in the palm oil industry.

Watch the full video below:

The film opens with a glimpse into the early years of young Tunku Abdul Rahman, diligently studying to gain wisdom

As time passes, we see him standing before the nation, passionately shouting 'Merdeka! Merdeka! Merdeka!' — a symbol of his journey in exploring the path to independence.

The film then transitions to a young girl singing on stage, her eyes filled with passion

As she grows up, she becomes a renowned singer, captivating the world with her incredible voice, much like Malaysia's own Datuk Seri Siti Nurhaliza, showing how exploring her talent led her to greatness. 

Next, a little boy is shown playing as an astronaut, his dreams reaching for the stars

This scene evolves into a grown man in space, realising his dream of exploring the cosmos, a testament to the endless possibilities that come with a relentless desire to explore.

Similar to how these individuals explored their way to attain greatness, Malaysia's palm oil industry is another example of exploration at its finest

FGV, driven by their vision, continues to explore innovative ways to deliver sustainable food and agriproducts to the world.

And we too, like FGV and other successful Malaysians, have the opportunity to secure a brighter future and shape a sustainable future — it all starts from having the spirit to explore.

Where Malaysia and its people are today is the result of every individual, corporation, and community.

FGV thanks all Malaysians for their unwavering spirit and encourages everyone to keep exploring.

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Image via SAYS

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