
[VIDEO] Malaysians Take The GE 101 Quiz

"I studied in the Grab car..."

Cover image via SAYS

The election fever in Malaysia is heating up as we get closer to polling day.

Wherever we turn (or in the digital world, click) it's all election-based news, videos, and questions.

Image via SAYS/YouTube

What is indelible ink? When does the campaign period end? How many seats are there in the Dewan Rakyat?

Image via SAYS/YouTube

We rounded up six of our colleagues and put them to the test with a basic pop quiz on GE.

They were clearly very excited...

Image via SAYS/YouTube

Watch how they all did here:

Speaking of the elections, here are some dos and don'ts to remember when voting on election day:

Don't believe in voting? Watch this video on five reasons why we should ALL vote in the coming elections:

Stay informed. Read more GE14 news on SAYS.

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