
Government Launches BeBAs Initiative To Promote Cleaner, Smoke-Free Food Premises In M'sia

The programme's launch is in response to increasing complaints about smoking in food premises and concerns about cleanliness.

Cover image via New Straits Times

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This Spotlight is sponsored by the Ministry of Health.

In a recent interview with TV3, Dr Farahana Mohamad Pilus shared about a new government initiative, Walkabout Premis Bersih, Bebas Asap BeBas (BeBAs), which aims to foster healthier and cleaner environments in Malaysia

Dr Farahana is a Public Health Medicine Specialist serving as the Senior Principal Assistant Director of Control of Smoking Products, Alcohol and Substance Abuse Sector within the Disease Control Division of the Health Ministry (MOH).

With a strong commitment to improving public health and wellbeing, Dr Farahana has spearheaded numerous initiatives aimed at promoting healthier lifestyles and reducing the prevalence of harmful habits such as smoking.

Dr Farahana stated that the BeBAs programme stemmed from a pressing need to address smoking in food premises and a need to understand the importance of hygienic conditions, particularly in areas frequented by tourists.

BeBAs aims to educate the public — especially food premise operators and vendors — on the significance of maintaining clean and smoke-free environments

Picture used for illustration purposes only.

Image via Ash Edmonds (Unsplash)

The programme is also aligned with the Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion, which underscores the importance of creating healthy environments for better health.

"The BeBAs programme was conceived in response to the increasing complaints about smoking in food premises and concerns about cleanliness. It is essential to create an environment that supports a healthy lifestyle," stated Dr Farahana.

BeBAs is a joint collaboration effort between MOH, Jabatan Kesihatan Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur & Putrajaya (JKWP KL&P), traders, community leaders and strategic partners like Kuala Lumpur City Hall (DBKL), SW Corp., Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture, Malaysian Drug Prevention Association (PEMADAM), and IKRAM Health Malaysia.

The inaugural programme's implementation commenced with a pilot initiative in the vibrant Jalan Alor area of Bukit Bintang, Kuala Lumpur, a renowned tourist hotspot.

Some of the key components of the BeBAs programme include walkabout sessions and enforcement operations by health authorities

Picture used for illustration purposes only.

Image via Ravin Rau (Unsplash)

At the same time, MOH will conduct community engagement activities and distribute educational materials to get the public involved. Furthermore, the programme also recognises and rewards establishments that uphold high standards of cleanliness and compliance with smoking bans.

"We aim to empower the community to ensure that food premises adhere to hygiene regulations and smoking bans. Cooperation between stakeholders is vital for the programme's success," said Dr Farahana.

Dr Farahana said the compliance criteria for BeBAs boils down to two aspects — cleanliness of food premises and adherence to smoking bans

Picture used for illustration purposes only.

Image via Possessed Photography (Unsplash)

Food premises must score above 75% on cleanliness inspections and comply with food hygiene regulations. They must also adhere to smoking regulations, including displaying no-smoking signs and ensuring no smoking occurs on the premises.

Dr Farahana also stressed the significance of community support and solidarity, highlighting that the community plays a pivotal role in ensuring the programme's success. Community members are encouraged to disseminate health information, organise clean-up activities, and report violations to health authorities or local councils.

All in all, Dr Farahana expressed optimism for the programme's future, citing positive feedback from traders and the local community

She mentioned that the programme will be beneficial and cost-effective for the tourism industry and public health, urging continued support from all stakeholders.

"The BeBAs programme represents a significant stride towards creating a healthier and cleaner environment in Malaysia, reflecting the government's unwavering commitment to enhancing public health and wellbeing," concluded Dr Farahana.

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