
Three Signs That Your Scalp Might Be Older Than You Are

You shouldn't be losing sleep over your hair. It's time for an intervention.

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1. You lose a lot of hair every day and anti hair-fall shampoos aren't helping

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Abnormal hair loss can happen in several ways. You may notice dramatic clumps falling out when you shampoo or style. Or your hair may thin slowly over time. If you're concerned about changes in your hair, check with a doctor (or professional).

Male pattern hair loss

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Female hair loss

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Everyone loses between 40 and 120 strands a day, depending on how much hair you have, your age and your hair's growth cycle. People with fine hair tend to have more of it and therefore will lose more of it than their thicker-haired sisters and brothers.

2. Your hair gets oily and washing it frequently doesn't seem to help

Those with thinning hair may be more likely to also have greasy hair if they often avoid washing for fear of losing more hair. An over-production of certain hormones could also lead to both greasy hair and hair loss in some individuals.

Conditions such as seborrheic dermatitis, scalp psoriasis and malassezia affect the oil glands and create dandruff. Malassezia is a fungus that resides naturally on the scalp, feeding off the oils and dead skin -- but when it gets out of control, the overabundance of fungus can also block hair follicles, resulting in hair loss from inactive follicles.

3. Your scalp is always itchy because of dandruff and it's driving you nuts

Hand your dandruff problem over to an expert and you’ll start to see a world of difference it’ll make.

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Dandruff is what Green calls a "cosmetic disease." It's not serious, it's not contagious, and it won't lead to other health problems. But if left untreated, it can become so itchy and inflamed that it causes temporary hair loss.

Not only can scratching and picking cause more flakes and result in more visible dandruff, it can also weaken the hair which will make it more prone to breaking and potentially cause noticeable hair loss.

How do you know if your scalp is healthy for your age? Take this 20-second test and find out now. If your scalp is older than it should be, you're entitled to a FREE scalp treatment!

How healthy is your scalp? Click here to take the 20-second scalp test by Yun Nam Hair Care

How old is your scalp? See if you're entitled to a FREE scalp treatment!

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