
"I Like A Big Chest, But Not Man Boobs" — What Malaysian Women Find Attractive In Men

Men, please take note.

Cover image via tekong/Unsplash & Jana Sabeth/Unsplash

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There are fewer feelings more universal than crushing over someone

Attraction is a key component in determining the likelihood of success or failure when navigating the dating world. It's also important to keep in mind if you want to maintain a healthy and long-lasting relationship.

But what exactly do people find attractive?

You may be tempted to use logic to answer this question, but often times when we are physically attracted to someone, the chemical process that goes on in our brain actually shuts down our ability to think critically and behave rationally.

For most men, trying to unpack the complex equation of what women find appealing can often leave them scratching their heads.

In an attempt to bridge this gap, we asked several Malaysian women what they find attractive in men. Here's what we found:

1. The way you smell can be very important

While advertisements featuring hypermasculine men may tend to over-exaggerate the impact a certain perfume may have on your attractiveness level, smelling fresh or putting on the right cologne that pairs well with your natural body odour goes a long way in making you more presentable.

"I love when a guy smells great. I enjoy scents that are very strong like Dior Sauvage or even those perfumes that Arab men often wear." — Mira, 30

Whatever cologne you decide on, just make sure you don't put too much on:

"I hate it when they bathe themselves in it and the air is just filled with perfume. I can get very nauseous." — Sher, 26

2. Hitting the gym isn't just good for your health

Most women aren't expecting their man to look like an Olympic athlete with rock hard abs (although, nobody would be complaining if they did).

However, taking some time to put on a bit of muscle will most certainly not go unnoticed.

So what are the particular body parts you should consider working on the next time you're at the gym?

"I like a big chest, but not man boobs. A nicely defined chest is my favourite body part on a guy." — Shah, 29

"A big butt doesn't just look nice on a woman. I love it when men wear fitting slacks with their shirts tucked in and you can see their booty sticking out. I don't like it if it's too firm either, because I like to squeeze it." —  Jess, 26

"My boyfriend has nice big arms, which I always use as a pillow. I don't want it to be too muscly or else it won't be nice to hold." —  Ash, 25

3. Looks and smell may be important, but not at the expense of manners

Even in the age of NFTs and TikTok, being chivalrous is still an important trait. While fancy dinners and cars are great, being a gentleman will get you much further and doesn't cost a cent.

"I enjoy little gestures during the first date, like opening the door for me or offering to pay for the meal, I especially love when they are respectful of my boundaries and don't expect anything physical to happen." —  Aliya, 28

"To me, there's nothing hotter than when a man is humble. Of course, it's important to have some confidence, but I hate when I meet a guy and he finds every opportunity in the conversation to show how smart he is." — Sofia, 23

4. Lastly, don't underestimate the effect nice clothes can have on you

While there's certainly nothing wrong with going for the streetwear look, consider adding a few formal pieces to your wardrobe. 

You don't need to break the bank to look good, a nice pair of slacks altered to your body shape and a simple polo shirt would do just fine.

"Since I started working, I've really begun to love the corporate look on men. There's just something about the whole suit and tie look that is really appealing to me. I think formal wear makes any man 20% more attractive." — Sarah, 24

"I don't particularly like when my partner wears baggy clothes. He has a nice body but you can't see it because of his clothing style. On special occasions when he whips out a nice shirt and pants, I always tell him that he should wear them more often." — Gita, 25

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Image via SAYS

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