
Is Malaysia Ready For A Youth Prime Minister? Join Youth PACT 2022 To Find Out

This online festival includes youth manifesto and mentorship sessions, a forum, and capacity building workshops.

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This Spotlight is sponsored by MIDP.

Youth leaders are making an impact all over the world

Image via True Scoop News

In a time where the young generation has begun to take the lead and get involved in advocacy and nation building, it's safe to say that the youth are the future of our country. The shift in the mindsets of younger leaders are inspiring, and that's definitely a key to change.

While the likes of Greta Thunberg and Malala Yousafzai come to mind, we have our own band of Malaysian youth who are pushing for attention on various issues, and influencing change. And that's where Youth PACT 2022 comes into play.

In January 2022, Taylor's College and the Malaysian Institute for Debate and Public Speaking (MIDP) will be hosting an event titled Youth Partnership in Action to Change Tomorrow (Youth PACT 2022)

With this, they hope to engage about 1,000 Malaysian youths in a series of constructive debates on nation-building, policy, politics as well as social justice issues facing their generation.

To be held virtually on 8-9 January 2022, Youth PACT 2022 aims to bring young Malaysians together with youth leaders and change-makers to encourage action. Manifesto and mentorship sessions, as well as a forum and capacity building seminars are all part of this exciting event!

Check out the teaser video here:

CEO of MIDP, Emellia Shariff, highlights the importance of youth in politics, and how they can provide useful insights in various fields

"We hope to mainstream and bring to the limelight the opinions, perspectives, and lived experiences of our youth on these important topics, while debunking the myth that our youth are uninterested or incapable of providing meaningful contributions to nation-building across the political, economic, and social spectrum," she said.

Sounds exciting? This event will also feature noteworthy names from various industries who will share their views on current issues.

Here are some of the programmes to look out for at this event:

1. Listen to youth leaders getting candid about what they want to see in Malaysia

The Youth Manifesto is a platform for respected youth leaders to share their hopes and demands for the changes they want to see on a variety of subjects, as well as the initiatives they are promoting to make Malaysia a better place.

Titled 'Towards A Better Malaysia: Apa Lagi Belia Mahu?', this forum is hosted by many notable youth leaders in the country.

2. Explore exciting political topics like having a Malaysian youth for Prime Minister

At the Youth Forum, young politicians and leaders from various political parties get to explore the prospects of growing youth participation in politics, as well as any changes in the local political environment.

Following the theme, 'Breaking New Ground: Will Malaysia Ever Be Ready For A Youth Prime Minister?', you can listen to opinions from the likes of current youth ministers and thought leaders.

3. Hear real success and failure stories from other youth leaders during the Youth Mentorship segment

During the Youth Mentorship segment titled '#BeTheChange: Disrupting Status Quo', experienced youth leaders share their personal stories of success and failures, lessons learnt, as well as tips and tricks for young change-makers, particularly in leading for meaningful change on various social justice issues in Malaysia.

Taylor's College Campus Director, Josephine Tan, believes that the youth of today hold the potential and key for positive action towards a better, stronger nation

"Similar to how we have crafted our Taylor'sphere ecosystem that nurtures the intellectual, practical and creative intelligence of students, we hope platforms such as Youth PACT will enable youth to learn, engage, discuss, and develop solutions to create societal impact," Tan continued.

Up to 15 youth organisations will participate in the event, all of which are dedicated to raising awareness and educating Malaysians about a variety of topics, including education equity, climate justice, gender equality, youth employability, disability rights, and many others

"By showcasing youth leaders talking about complex, pertinent, and sometimes even controversial topics with tact, passion, and openness, we hope that this will inspire students to also speak up on issues impacting various aspects of their lives from a young age," said Emellia.

Also included in Youth PACT will be workshops aimed at equipping youth change makers with the tools to devise innovative solutions for social issues as well as measure the success of their projects and campaigns.

Wanna know something even more amazing? In an effort to be inclusive and diverse, every Youth PACT 2022 session will be translated into Bahasa Isyarat Malaysia (BIM) live, so that the deaf community can also take part and contribute to the conversations. <3

Interested in attending Youth PACT 2022? Just visit this website to find out more information and register your slot.

Image via Youth PACT

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