
'Dirty Dirty' Chocolate Bread Is The Latest Food Craze In Malaysia Right Now

Chocolate croissants are leaving their mark, literally.

Cover image via Leha (Edited)

Fluffy pastry, thick cocoa powder, and more chocolate goodness inside — what's not to love about the latest food craze?

'Zang zang bao' (脏脏包), which literally translates to 'dirty dirty bread', is all the rage right now. 

To put it simply, 'zang zang bao' is basically croissant covered with lots of cocoa powder while the inside layers are filled with rich chocolate sauce. 

As its name suggests, it's nearly impossible to keep your hands, mouth, and face clean when you're eating the 'zang zang bao'

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It's almost sure that you'll get "dirtied" from all the chocolate that's oozing out from the delicious pastry.

The hype for 'zang zang bao' reportedly began in Beijing, China when a bakery in Sanlitun popularised the latest trendy confection. Customers were willing to put up with the endless wait at the bakery, all just so that they could get their hands on one. 

Like feasting on a good ol' sloppy burger, people are not afraid to get messy with the 'dirty dirty bread'.

In fact, they're pretty proud about it.

Netizens have been posting photos of themselves getting stained by chocolate on social media, showing the messy aftermath after trying out the new snack.

Image via 21CN
Image via Sina

It's all just part of the fun process...

Given the popularity of the sinful baked goods, it's not surprising that they've been cropping up in many bakeries across Malaysia

Popular bakery chains such as Lavender and Original Cake have started offering their own spin on the chocolate croissant.

From Kuala Lumpur to Johor to Sarawak, smaller bakeries and cafes have also jumped on the bandwagon, not wanting to lose out as there's a huge demand for it.

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Have you tried the 'zang zang bao'? Share your photos with us in the comments section below!

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Chocolate croissants are not your thing? Try these unique sandwiches instead:

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