
Netizens Share Tips On Saving Expired Bread After Photo Of Loaves In Dumpster Goes Viral

"Greed eventually leads to waste, while others couldn't even get a taste."

Cover image via Twitter @zambrimohdisa & Twitter @iamaygg

Stores everywhere have been running out of bread since the Movement Control Order (MCO) was first enforced

When the Prime Minister announced the restriction back in March, people flocked supermarkets and started panic-buying. Shelves of bread were swept clean nationwide.

Gardenia Bakeries KL even had to issue a statement explaining that they are running their production lines at full capacity and are not able to cope with the demand from the market.

Recently, photos of expired bread being thrown away in a dumpster sparked an online outrage

On Tuesday, 31 March, Twitter user @zambrisa shared a few images of unopened packs of bread that were thrown out. He wrote, "Greed eventually leads to waste, while others couldn't even get a taste."

Many others who came across the photos expressed their dissatisfaction. One person said, "I knew it. It's not something you can keep for a long time. And you don't even want to eat bread day and night. I don't understand people who hoard perishable items."

Image via Twitter

Another netizen wrote, "I hate this. I had to go to five different stores to find bread and you guys can throw it away just like that."

Image via Twitter

"This person is truly terrible. Purchasing without using their brain. They bought this based on greed. What kind of human being is this?" said another user.

Image via Twitter

Looking at how wasteful some people could be, a few netizens decided to share tips on how to save expired bread

One person suggested adding butter and sugar to the expired bread and then putting it into an oven. You'll then have your own batch of crispy sugar toast, or commonly known as 'roti kering' here in Malaysia.

"Do this every time your bread is expired," they wrote.

Another person said, "If they were smart, they would have utilised the bread as well as they could. You could feed fish, make bread pudding, or even make fried bread. But it's not the same for those who are less smart. What a waste. So many people don't even have enough to eat." 

"Just turn the bread into fertiliser, don't waste it. If you can't share with humans, you can share it with plants," suggested another user.

The easiest technique to make bread last longer is to keep it in the fridge. One netizen commented, "Just keep it in the fridge, then put it in the microwave when you want to eat it."

Remember to #JustStayAtHome. Watch the latest update on the COVID-19 situation:

The government has warn the public against panic-buying as it can deprive others of essential items:

Gardenia Bakeries KL also encourages customers to only buy what they need:

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