
12-Year-Old In Johor Supports Family By Going Door-To-Door To Sell Mushrooms

The boy has gone viral on Facebook and has caught the attention of celebrity preacher Ustaz Ebit Lew, who then paid him a visit to offer aid.

Cover image via Rosamaliana Roslan (Facebook) & Ebit Lew (Facebook)

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A Facebook post depicting a woman's encounter with a boy who sells mushrooms for his family in Johor has gone viral

In a post by Rosamaliana Roslan on 19 June, she said the boy came to her house to offer her oyster mushrooms. She initially did not want to buy any, but instantly felt sorry for the child when she saw him.

She invited him into her house and offered him a meal after finding out he had not eaten yet. After a conversation with the boy, she found out he was 12 years old and is living with his younger brother and their father in Cahaya Baru.

According to the boy, Rosamaliana said the children were told by their father to take a day off from school that day so that they can sell oyster mushrooms. Their mother does not live with them as she is working in Pahang.

The post garnered concern from many netizens and has also captured the attention of celebrity preacher Ustaz Ebit Irawan Ibrahim Lew

The 37-year-old preacher revealed in a Facebook post that he paid a visit to the boy as soon as he heard about the child's story. Ebit provided him with gifts such as a brand new phone, and some new clothes along with a pair of shoes.

"He was shocked and cried when I gave him money. I was taken aback when he offered to return the money, saying that it was too much. I told him to keep it," he wrote.

According to him, the boy lives with his father who works as a car repairman. Ebit added that the boy enjoys raising money and is always excited to start selling, which is usually after school hours and during holidays.

"He is brave enough to go house-to-house and occasionally goes to petrol stations. He said that [the mushrooms] sometimes sell out and sometimes don't," Ebit related.

"When I visited his home, his father was doing some repair work. The father, who is around 60 years old, hugged me and gave his thanks for paying his son a visit," he recounted, adding that he gave the man a few gifts as well.

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