
2 Riders Killed After Falling Off The "World's Longest Slide" In China

The slide reportedly takes a rider three minutes to reach the bottom.

Cover image via Creaders

Two people have died after falling off the "world's longest slide" at an amusement park in Sichuan province, China

According to Xin Hua, the incident occurred on 1 May in Chengdu, Sichuan.

The slide was a children-friendly attraction located in the park.

The slide involved in the incident.

Image via AsiaOne

A total of 14 people had fallen off the 235 metre-long slide, including the deceased

Shanghaiist reported that eight adults and six teenagers fell victim to the slide – previously hailed as the "world's longest". According to, it would take a rider three minutes to reach the bottom of the slide.

Witnesses found the victims lying on the ground in a forest near the slide. 

The 12 people injured in the incident are currently being treated in the hospital. 

One of the injured victims.

Image via Creaders

The fall was reportedly caused by collisions on the slide

Creaders reported that the incident occurred after a large number of tourists got on the slide – causing a high-speed collision. 

One witness told AsiaOne that the slide might have been overcrowded at the time of the incident.

"I saw four or five rubber lifebuoys with people on them all crowded together and sliding down," the witness said. 

"The people were screaming, I'm not sure whether from fright or excitement, but within seconds they all flew off the slide," the witness added. 

The park has since been shut down pending an investigation into the deadly incident

Entrance to the park found with a "No Entry" sign.

Image via 10yan

According to AsiaOne, the local government has detained "the person responsible for the business" while a probe into the park is ongoing.

Shangaiist reported that the park had an accident three days after its grand opening in 2017, where three visitors were injured after the collapse of a rope walkway.

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