
4-Year-Old Boy Caught Performing Oral Sex On 3-Year-Old Boy In Malacca

A housewife from Bukit Rambai here is upset after she caught a four-year-old boy performing oral sex on her three-year-old son.

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According to a report from The Star, a housewife from Bukit Rambai caught red-handed her neighbour's four-year-old son performing oral sex on her three-year-old son outside her home

The 32-year-old mother said she now has to watch over her son each time he goes to bed or enters the bathroom as the boy had started pleasuring himself following the incident.

“I have to hit his hand and reprimand him whenever he tried to pleasure himself and it’s very depressing to see him exposed to such an act at a tender age. The only thing we could do now is send him for more religious classes and guide him on what is right and wrong,” she said when contacted yesterday.

The incident happened outside her home at 5.30pm on 7 November. The Star quoted her saying that the little boy had pulled down her son's pants before performing the sexual act.

“I had to keep vigil over my son after a few neighbours told me that the boy had done the same thing with their sons too. At first, I was sceptical about the neighbours’ claims but then I witnessed it with my own eyes,” she said.

“Only when I saw the whole disgusting act did I realise that this has been going on for some time and the neighbours were right. I don’t totally blame my neighbour’s son, he is still young and is probably emulating the same act after watching smutty materials,” she said.

She was angry when she decided to relate what she witnessed to the boys parents, claiming that the boy's parents were defensive of their child and accused her of fabricating the whole story

“I told them their son needs help and should be rehabilitated but they challenged me to lodge a police report instead,’’ the woman said, adding that she then lodged a police report at Tanjung Minyak police station the next day.

She said her son has been complaining of pain in his private part since last month but first she didn't suspect anything

Image used for illustration purposes only.

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The housewife said a doctor from a private clinic also confirmed that her son has some injury in his private part when she brought him for a medical check-up. “My son is still finding it difficult to pass urine and still needs medical attention,” she said.

The Star, citing an unnamed police source, further reported that investigations are still ongoing and police officers have spoken to the parents of both the boys as the case involves children

An unrelated image of Malacca police patrolling. Image used for illustration purposes only.

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