They Say Don't Drink & Drive? We Say Don't Make-Up & Drive Too!
Ladies, are you guilty of this? Men, is your mom/sister/girlfriend/friend guilty of this? Maybe it's time to really get the "No Make-Up And Drive" message across.
Women like to apply make up while driving, at traffic lights in traffic jams...
Around one fifth of female motorists confess they have touched up their mascara on the move – equivalent to 2.7 million of Britain's 15 million women drivers.
Almost half of women admit applying make-up while driving. Some 46% go for last-minute beauty top-ups – most often at traffic lights or while queuing – and 43% say they do it even though they know it is wrong. women, aged between 17 and 21, were found to be the most likely to put beauty before safety and most liable to crash their car as a result.
And this causes almost half a million car crashes a year
INSURERS estimate that as many as 450,000 accidents a year are caused by women drivers being distracted while applying cosmetics.
malaysiandigest.comAs it turns out, an estimated one in five women drivers admits to retouching their makeup on the go, when they’re behind the wheel, which translates into half a million crashes caused by them on the roads in the UK, The Telegraph informs.
Despite the dangers, a fifth of women drivers confess they have touched up their make-up on the move. With 27% confessing to putting on make-up while driving and 9% of those aged 18 or younger admitted having crashed their vehicle while doing so- three times the average.
Out of 2.7 million of Britain's 15 million women drivers, 3% admitted causing a collision when distracted by applying cosmetics.
Yet only 14 per cent said using make-up in the car affected their driving, according to a poll of 1,000 women by semi-permanent make-up specialist Debra Robson. must women multitask, even while driving?
But the reason for their haste is time pressure. A fifth are so rushed in the morning they spend just five minutes doing their make-up.And it isn't just behind the wheel that women are carrying out an on-the-go beauty regime.‘That’s why so many women are
finishing off their make-up routine on their daily commute – whether
that is in the car or on the bus or the train.
Debra Robson LDN said: ‘We all know putting make-up on in the car is wrong – but nearly half of us do it. ‘It’s because most professional women do everything in a rush, particularly in the mornings when they are juggling a multitude of tasks."
Common sense says apply make-up before or after driving
450,000 car accidents a year caused by woman applying make up behind the wheel
Image via amazonaws.comWomen are generally great at doing more than one thing at once but this is definitely one area where multitasking should not be practised.
Driving requires concentration and even a momentary lapse could turn a near-miss into a serious or even fatal accident.
Diamond managing director Sian Lewis said it is "worrying" that so many women put themselves and other road users at risk.
"We all have busy lives but applying your make-up when you're driving means your full attention is not on the road ahead," she said.
“It should go without saying that applying make-up while driving is a dangerous thing to do. Commonsense says apply make-up before or after driving.”
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