
A 32-Year-Old Who Had Sex With A 13-Year-Old Singaporean Jailed For 18 Months

The man pleaded guilty to two of four charges against him.

Cover image via JONATHAN CHOO/ST

A 32-year-old man facing four charges, who could have been jailed for up to 20 years, fined or caned on each charge, was jailed for 18 months for having sex with a minor

Mohamed Syahid Mohamed Yusoff, a former technician, pleaded guilty to two of the four charges of committing sexual acts with a 13-year-old girl at a staircase landing of an HDB block in Jurong, Singapore, during July and August 2014.

He came to know the victim in July 2014

According to Syahid's lawyer, at the time of the offences during July and August 2014, his client had just come out of a broken relationship and went online looking to find companionship. It was during this time that he came to know the girl through an online application called Alamak Chat, reported The Straits Times.

Following which, the girl, who was 16 years younger than Syahid, agreed to see him as he kept asking her to meet

While Syahid's lawyer insisted that his client had no intention of seeking sexual services of an underage girl, after Syahid and his 13-year-old victim met at Lakeside MRT station, he took her to a nearby block and had sex with her.

The lawyer, while saying that there was no coercion or exploitation, added that Syahid was immensely sorry and regretted what he had done, reported The Straits Times.

The offence came to light in January 2015 after the girl's school found out she had sexual relations with other men

The girl had lodged a police report against Syahid. And after almost two and a half years, he was sentenced to 18 months in Jail on Friday, 17 November.

However, District Judge Kenneth Yap has allowed Syahid to defer sentence until 27 November, after Syahid's lawyer told the court that his client is learning to be a forklift driver and will be attending a course next week.

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