
You Can Now Keep Fruits Fresh For Up To 2 Weeks With These Malaysian-Made Stickers

Stixfresh stickers were created in an effort to curb food wastage.

Cover image via Stixfresh

A Malaysian company called Stixfresh has created a sticker that prolongs the freshness and shelf life of certain fruits for up to 14 days

The idea for Stixfresh occurred to Zhafri Zainudin after a friend, who owns a fruit stall, complained to him about losing money due to fruits going bad too quickly.

"Maybe I can't stop nature, but could I slow it down?" Zhafri thought.

Image via Stixfresh

In an effort to curb food wastage, Zhafri and Buquari Othman then founded their company in 2017.

Coated with sodium chloride and beeswax, the 100% organic stickers slow down the ripening process by removing ethylene, the ripening hormone found in fresh produce

Image via Stixfresh

The edible stickers also inhibit mold activity, which keeps fruits firm and juicy.

According to Vulcan Post, they can only be used once, and lose their efficacy once peeled off.

Image via Stixfresh

They are said to work best with mangoes, avocados, papayas, dragon fruits, star fruits, apples, and pears.

Stixfresh, which is currently operating in Senawang, Negeri Sembilan, was launched in the United States in November

As winners of the ASEAN Rice Bowl Startup Awards 2018 for Best Food/Agri Tech Startup, Stixfresh has big ambitions to see their product make its way to Europe, Africa, Asia and the American Continent.

Image via Stixfresh

"We would also like to introduce a new concept for smaller fruits with soft skins like berries and others in the near future. We would like to tackle the same problem that vegetables are faced with," said Zhafri.

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