
A Malaysian Turned In SGD1,000 To The Police And Netizens Are Praising Him For It

"The money isn't mine, so I didn't keep it."

Cover image via TrafficReportJBS/Facebook

On 2 December, a Malaysian made a post in a local Facebook group in hopes of finding the owner of SGD1,000 (RM3,050) that was left behind at an ATM

32-year-old Jackson Lee, who works as a photographer in Singapore, posted up the notice in the TrafficReportJBS Facebook group on the same day he made a police report and handed in the stack of SGD50 notes to the Singapore Police Force.

The incident happened at the Admiralty MRT station on 29 November around 9pm, presumedly while Lee was on the way back to Johor Bahru from work.

The post eventually went viral, with many netizens praising Lee's honest actions

At the time of writing, the post had garnered 255 comments and nearly 4,500 shares.

"Thank you for your honesty, your act of kindness has made society a brighter place."

"Tell the Singapore police to reward you with a 'Good Citizen' award."

"After you've done good deeds, you'll surely be rewarded."

While other commenters made jokes about keeping the money, Lee had a very matter-of-fact response to that

The money isn't mine, so I didn't keep it.
Jackson Lee to AsiaOne

"I really wanted to find him there but there were too many people. Giving it to the police is better," he continued, according to AsiaOne.

He also reminded the man to bring his ATM withdrawal receipt to the police in order to collect the money.

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