
A Man Was Caught Allegedly Molesting A 9-Year-Old Girl At A Convenience Store Near Gombak

Now police are looking for the alleged child molester.

Cover image via Harian Metro (edited)

On 12 July, at a convenience store in Bandar Country Homes, near Gombak, a man was caught allegedly molesting a 9-year-old girl

The convenience store's closed-circuit television (CCTV) recorded the man repeatedly grabbing the girl from behind and grinding his groin area against her.

Image via Harian Metro

CCTV footage of the incident, which has gone viral on social media, shows the alleged child molester leaving the victim for a moment only to return and shove himself against her and her younger sister

Image via Harian Metro

The two girls, traumatised by the man's brazen action, managed to escape from his grips. Following which, he hangs out at the aisle for a while pretending to pick something up and then walks away.

While the original CCTV footage has been taken by the uploader, a blurred out version of the footage was shared by news site Harian Metro. You can watch it below:

The girl's father, who found out about the incident from his wife, lodged a police report about two hours later after the incident

According to Gombak district, police chief Assistant Commissioner Samsor Maarof, the suspect has not yet been identified, reported NST Online.

"Efforts to track down and arrest the suspect are underway," he was quoted as saying in a statement today, 14 July.

On 1 April this year, a new child sex offenders registry came into effect following several cases of child abuse in Malaysia:

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